Why 2 different oil specs for Mazda 6

Nov 27, 2024
My 2016 Mazda 6 2.5 l has 2 oil weight specs, 0w20 for Canada and the USA, and 5w30 for Mexico and the rest of the world. My question is what is the reason for this. Hot weather in Mexico could be a reason, but it gets mighty hot where I live in Ontario, Canada too. Also we have 2.0 and 2.3 l turbos that spec 5w30. And they are related to the Mazda engines.
Fuel economy?
The NA 2.5 is spec'd for 0w-20 in US and Canada for fuel efficiency. in Canada, I can see the use of a 0w-20 oil for general use. The turbo calls for 5w-30, but 5w-30 also works in the NA version as well. If you are comfortable using it in the colder climate of Canada, it will work fine. If you're not having issues with the 0w-20, then why not just stay with that?
With owning 2 of the MAZDA 2.5 offerings, one the true MZR and one being a SKYACTIVE, Just go to a EURO 0-30 and sleep well.

I switched our CX-5 over very early to a UERO 0-30 and it made an immediate circumstantial difference, with maybe .5 mpg loss. I have not done a UOA on the CX-5 yet with the 0-30, and I may not. I did with the same oil in a 5-20. When the 0-30 went in it improved on fuel dilution, uses NO oil now between OCI's and it used @1/2qt between OCI's since it was new. The 30wt seems and feels quieter and smoother and it just makes me feel much better in a DI engine where the wife uses remote start in the winter (longer idle times)!! Again, I have not done a UOA on the 30wt, I'm not sure I have a reason to considering the lower viscosity version of this AMSOIL gave me a solid UOA a few years back.

In my 3, I had the same experience although it was a higher mileage vehicle (today its at 300k and runs like it has 30k on it, I love this car). I switched it to a GC in 0-30 and my oil usage went away immediately. I eventually went to a 0-40 GC blend in that car with amazing results and solid UOA's out to 7500 mi. I just add 2qts of 0-40 during an oil change and the MZR loves it. I did not use AMSOIL in the 3, only GC. Prior to the GC I tried using PP. I never did a UOA on the PP but it would use OVER a qt per 5000mi OCI. I went to GC 0-30 and it never used oil between OCIs again, still don't to this day with 300k mi on it I try to stick to 7500 OCI's depending on the use case.

So allot of anecdotal and circumstantial comments in my post, I think I do have a UOA on here for my MZR, but at the end of the day.... I would ALWAYS run a UERO oil in that 2.5 engine!