Who's still rockin' a turntable?

I have a nice Technics 1210 MK5 that I purchased on Craigslist many years ago. It's been rock solid.

My vinyl collection is fair to good, but I still love the old vinyl and really enjoy listening to it. LOUD!!!

Yamaha 120 watt per ch receiver, and Polk RTi-A9 tower speakers, Sunfire 12 inch sub (the Polk's have no bass). It's nowhere near a world class system, but it is pleasant and full sounding.

I'm always amazed that such crude technology can sound so pleasing, I guess that's part of my fascination with it.

My wife and I have "Concert Night" one to two times a week. Our analog rig is in our basement which is a very large room. I have a Technics SL-1700 MK2 turntable with a Denon DL-110 cartridge. Not top of the line, but close enough for me. This direct-drive turntable is amazing as it gets to full speed within a third of a revolution.
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(Stock image from online.)

I drive a pair of Klipsch La Scalas with a Denon DRA-1035R which has a ton of head-room for these speakers. Played moderately, it sounds like you are in the recording studio with the artist. If you turn it up a bit (believe me when I say it'll go up a bit! :)), it sounds like a live band at the concert.
I'm currently building a new record-cabinet as I'm running out of room for my albums. I have to admit that I've been buying a lot of the newly re-released 180 gram albums. They really sound good. Nearly as quiet as CDs.
I remember reading the advertisements in Stereo magazine about the La Scalas and hearing them at the local snooty stereo store that's long been out of business.
I got my dad's Technic turntable cleaned and had a new belt put on it for his birthday. The place that did the repair was really cool. Now to find some of my records that I've picked up over the years.
I've got an early 70's Yamaha YP-701 that I did have working at one point, but the cartridge is shot and I just haven't gotten to it. I also have the old Yamaha CR-800 receiver that was bought with it, but unfortunately it's blowing 2 of the same fuses and I don't think I have the brain power to fix it. Don't even know anybody who would work on it, but I just can't bring myself to throw it away... I'd love to have it as a nice garage stereo.
Primary turntable is an Elac Miracord 40A feeding into a Sansui receiver. Also have a J.C. Penny belt-drive turntable (actually made by Technics) hooked up to my desktop computer through a preamp. Both those have Audio-Technica cartridges. Additionally I have a Sylvania Exponent 4/40 portable stereo with a Garrard changer and Pickering magnetic cartridge, and several record players with ceramic or crystal cartridges including but not limited to an RCA "New Vista" tube-type console stereo and a small Singer battery-operated portable that's about the size of a large transistor radio.

I've been buying new vinyl pretty regularly, most recently the new Monkees album ("The Mike & Mickey Show") and pre-ordered John Fogerty's "Fogerty's Factory" LP.
I still use mine regularly. Now for a relevant question.....what oil to use for the spindle bearing? Some manufacturers recommend synthetic 80/90 gear oil, some say synthetic 20/50 motor oil, and some say much thinner specialty oils.