Who changes there oil after a bottle of techron etc?

I've thought about this over the years but end up just using it whenever it is convenient but like other posters mentioned I don't use it much anymore since I use TopTier most of the time. I will mention that my diesel truck has some Power service "Tank Cleaner + Fuel Stabilizer" in the tank since it's been setting idle for most of the year but I run it down the road to get it throughout the system. Some cleaners say every fuel up so IDK.
This is from the product data sheet for each:

Techron Fuel Injection Cleaner - Safe to use every 1,000 miles or as needed to keep
fuel injectors clean.
Techron® Complete Fuel System Cleaner - ... every 3,000 miles (4,800 km) or at scheduled oil change intervals, not to exceed twice
per oil change

I've used the fuel system cleaner stuff plenty of times and swore the bottle's usage instructions don't read anything like that.... Found a label and it says

"Pour the entire contents of bottle into nearly empty fuel tank.... A second treatment may give additional benefits...."

It says nothing about doing it right before an oil change or anything.
Hey all just wondering who changes there oil after running a fuel cleaner such as techron?

I was in the opinion that you would only really change the oil if your engine was fuel diluting the oil and or had bad rings etc

Any normal vehicle shouldn’t mix fuel with oil so the techron would never end up in the oil to damage anything ?
The reason why Chevron recommends changing oil soon after using this is because it uses polyisobutylenes and PIBAs (you’d have to use the search function or ask MolaKule about them), but when they are in the oil they can cause rapid, sometimes runaway thickening if the amount of them in the sump is too much. I don’t know how or why it works like this, but that’s what I’ve read and been told by Dave @ HPL. 👍🏻
Timing the fuel injector cleaner with the OCI makes no sense. If it's going to get into the oil in any significant quantity, wouldn't the same be true with gasoline? The oil would be contaminated with gas all the time.
Hey now, let's not turn this into a logical discussion! :ROFLMAO:
I usually run a can of Liquimoly DI Jectron or Gumout's Regain (both with PEA) every oil change on all of our vehicles. This is usually prior to an oil change but not always - I don't see how it would make any real difference.
This is from the product data sheet for each:

Techron Fuel Injection Cleaner - Safe to use every 1,000 miles or as needed to keep
fuel injectors clean.
Techron® Complete Fuel System Cleaner - ... every 3,000 miles (4,800 km) or at scheduled oil change intervals, not to exceed twice
per oil change

I've used the fuel system cleaner stuff plenty of times and swore the bottle's usage instructions don't read anything like that.... Found a label and it says

"Pour the entire contents of bottle into nearly empty fuel tank.... A second treatment may give additional benefits...."

It says nothing about doing it right before an oil change or anything.
It is a legitimate concern. I spoke with a shop owner (and master Ferrari technician) over email about Techron fuel additive over a decade ago. He liked the product and said one of the few additives that wasn't snake oil, in his opinion.

He also said one of his clients (his shop was in California) was a retired Chevron researcher. The former Chevron guy told him in detail (which I now forget) that the warnings on the product data sheets were valid and to only use the Techron product in the weeks before an oil change.
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So the treatment rate for cleaning is 1oz per gallon of fuel. I think Chevron’s gas has an additive rate of 1oz per 10 gallons of fuel. What I have done on road trips where Top Tier gas is few & far between is add a few oz per fill up. With the Motorhome that’s at least 25 gallons (60 gallon tank). I haven’t measured, just let it glub until it seems right lol. The last trip I used a 20oz bottle over the course of three fillups.
Another data point: BMW used to sell Techron concentrate under their own label and has a bulletin about using it every 3k miles if you don't use top tier gas. They don't mention anything about oil changes:

BMW Group Fuel System Cleaner Plus uses polyether amine TECHRONreg;-based technology developed and patented by Chevron. BMW Group Fuel System Cleaner Plus has proven to clean up deposits in fuel injectors, ports and intake valves, and reduces the harmful effects of combustion chamber deposits. It helps restore performance lost due to deposit buildup.

Chevron and BMW have run extensive "no harm" tests with polyether amine technology. When used as directed, it will not harm catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, or any other mechanical components of the engine or fuel delivery system.

They even claim two subsequent treatments can be more beneficial:

The effectiveness of the additive depends on its presence in the gasoline in large concentrations for short periods of time. One treatment is usually sufficient, but a second treatment (one 20 oz. bottle per each consecutive full tank of gas) may give additional benefits. To keep your fuel intake system clean, we recommend usage at every 3,000 miles.

https://charm.li/BMW/2009/328i Seda...m - BMW Group Fuel System Cleaner Plus Info./

i'm going to splurge, gonna run 2 tanks of shell v power + 2 tanks of techron, i know the v power prob makes 0 diff but ill enjoy the few extra hp i get with 93 too
I like the do it the tank before the oil change, figure it doesn’t hurt to do it that. I’d also add that I’ve always had great luck with Techron even on cars that see Top Tier fuel
When Techron was a young product, it used to specify on the bottle the aggregate maximum dosage(s) that should be used during a single OCI, and generally suggested it was better to dose before an OC, to mitigate any potential oil dilution issues.

Why that verbiage was removed is a mystery. The only practical explanation is that it's not as potent as it used to be, but that's a WAG.