What has been your longest commute by miles or time?

Mar 17, 2008
Wife has been in the hospital in Detroit and I have been commuting 1.5 hours each way to see her. I hate the drive. Made me think how the heck people could do this daily for years.

My longest regular commute was work and was about 20 miles/25 minutes.

How about you?
I had a brief stint where I was renting a place while looking for a home and I had about a 45 minute commute. I think it lasted less than 6 months. Otherwise in my entire career, I have never had more than a 20 minute drive to get to work.

Well...right now my drive would technically be about 20 hours, but I am working remotely. Amazing what COVID has allowed.
I lived in Mt Laurel NJ for a couple years and commuted 38 miles to work in Valley Forge PA. Took 1.5 hours, as long as I was on the road before 6:25 am. It was 2+ hours if I left after that time. I don't miss it at all.
My current commute is 38 miles one way. It can take me 30 minutes or an hour. Usual takes me 35.

I'm only scheduled for 5 days a week every other week, but I am also on call and travel for parts, etc.
For 19 years it was about 50 miles / 50 minutes, a bit longer the last couple, each way. I kinda missed it at the start of the pandemic, not sure if I could go back to 5 days a week of it now. (well I would, if I had to, but the long break sure has helped rethink it.)
I was commuting 38 miles one way for a while. All rural highway so it was easy. The biggest pain was I started work at 5:30 so I had to leave for work by 4:45am.
Wife has been in the hospital in Detroit and I have been commuting 1.5 hours each way to see her. I hate the drive. Made me think how the heck people could do this daily for years.

My longest regular commute was work and was about 20 miles/25 minutes.

How about you?
I have done 1.5 hr to 2 hour. My wife hated even a 45 min commute. I did not mind the longer commutes. I did feel I was wasting my vehicle miles on a stupid commute. Now its a 1 minute commute by foot to my office. Two minutes if I stop in kitchen for a snack.
When I worked construction I seldom had less than a 25 mile commute each way and sometimes as much as around 65 miles each way. From 1984-2000 I'd guess my average commute was 40-45 miles each way.
I met a hospital administrator who commuted from Newburgh, NY to Newark, NJ EFD (Every Day).

So....let's hear it for public transportation.......or do we maintain this foolishness?
Many people here commute 3+ hrs 1way to los Angeles every day.
Yeah, not for me... In hindsight, I think even my 35-40min each way is kind of a waste of time and a bit of money. I'm liking the work from home setup as long as the kids are in school.
I guess if they are making big $$ in LA and saving most of it so they can retire at 35 to their desert oasis, then sure. I think I'd still buy a stealth campervan and a gated parking spot and stay the week in LA instead of wasting my time driving all the time.
345 miles one way from house to employee parking lot at LGA or JFK.

NYC traffic. Driven twice a week for a couple of years. Truly miserable. I was driving 50,000 miles/year for work.

Still about 340 miles from my driveway to employee parking at EWR these days, but I only drive it every other month. I typically fly.
Most recently, 55 miles one way from Manchester NH to Newington NH all highway, two traffic lights at each end, approximately an hour.
Fifteen years ago, 42 miles one way from the North Shore of MA to the Seacoast in NH, well over an hour, countless lights, and maddening traffic.
Now it is 20 minutes, 11 miles. Not terrible, but the job is.
I used to commute about 60 miles one way when I worked at the nuke plant. It would take about an hour, maybe a tad longer, in the mornings with little traffic. In the evenings, it was about 1.5 hours to get home.