What does your drive to work consist of?

Mar 22, 2012
Berks County/Pa.
My daily commute to Case New Holland Agriculture in Lancaster Pennsylvania. One straight shot 12.8 miles each direction. Lots of hills that are open fields in Lancaster majority of the way. As long as there is no snow; due to the severe drifting of the open fields - easy peasy!!!!
16 miles in my Prius on 45 MPH country roads to a Park & Ride then another 40+ in a van pool Chevy 3500. I'd tell you more about the van but I sleep during the ride.
Start jeep. Put on seat belt. Adjust useless climate control. Drive 25-30 mph 1 mile down dirt road. Stop at stop sign at street. Proceed when safe 1 mile @50 mph. Stop at red light. Go when green, go 1000 ft turn left.

Commute is 2.2 miles
That is awesome!

Well, I retired in 2018, but last job, which was a few towns west:

23 miles one way, 12 stop lights on mainly a two lane undivided State Highway at 35-50 mph with VERY limited passing possibilities to get around Grandma going 30. Takes about 40 mins in typical traffic. Some hills, mostly flat.

That would cost me about 41 bucks each (5 day) work week for gasoline with today's prices
150 feet from my bed pillow to my workplace office/shop/"farm". Downside is that I am on call 24/7 (a minor nuisance one adapts to - real farmers in the same boat).
2 freeways & 15 miles. I start at 3a so there's no traffic going in. Only on weekends do I have traffic thing home
30 miles each way so 60 total per day. About 15 in town and 15 country. Going thru town is boring. I look at license plates to pass the time. Half the time those are boring too because for some reason I’m seeing a spike in regular plates lol. If there wasn’t so many red lights it would not be so boring but I’d rather deal with red lights than idiots on the interstate I already deal with enough of those on a daily basis on the road. We are actually going to the town I work in to go towards Rural King. We might stop and see my grandma who lives not even a mile from where I work after we get something to eat. It’s worth the drive to work because they treat me well. Really well. The money isn’t the greatest but I’ll work for less since they are good to us. It’s more than I’ve made anywhere else. Though I definitely need a more gas efficient car though lol.
Field service here so my commute varies between 20 min and hour and half most days. Though next week I've got to head to a site that's 6 hours out.
No work commute as I have worked from home since 2001 September 13th,2001 when I became self employed. The company I worked for shutdown with trade tower fall and the clients wanted me still to show up so I stole them albeit remotely. One of them retained my services 20+ years and had ability to do secure remote IT work.
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Not on this dirt road full of rocks then sand and no bike lane on the streets.
O.k. 400cc DP bike !

10 miles at 40-60mph, 40+ miles on the highway, couple miles at the end are “city” like, with a few traffic lights and all. I think it’s 54 miles each way, almost all of it at 40mph or faster. Rare is it that I have to deal with traffic it seems—I usually adjust my hours to avoid the worst commute times.

Ok, in winter I do have to slow down (somewhat) but I try to work from home those days.
I have two options:
1) surface streets for 3 miles. ~6 min.
2) highway bypass for 5 miles. ~9 min.

Unless I'm running late, I choose option 2 because it's better for the car.