What do you buy with cash?

Only in stores that give discounts for cash payments, e.g. Spec's here in TX (liquor store). Technically the CC contracts prohibit them from charging more for card purchases so they get around it by offering a "discount" for cash payments. All my other purchases go on credit cards where I get anywhere from 2-5% cashback. Between my Discover, Chase Freedom and Citi Dividend, most purchases qualify for the 5% quarterly rotating cashback. Why would anyone pay cash and miss out on perks like this?
I could have written your post myself!
I never have that much cash.

I always bring enough cash with me to pay for my entire journeys fuel in case of problems.

I dont have full faith in credit cards, and have had numerous failures and safety locks.

Every time I've had credit card fraud/problems it's been connected with gas stations.
One time At 4 AM I chose to use a credit card activated air pump, before I pumped fuel.
When I tried to auth the fuel I got no auth code. Turns out the air pumps card reader reported to the East Coast and the fuel pump the west so BOFA inactivated my card because they thought it was fraud. BOFA locked my CC and my ATM.

I travel a lot and even though I let the CC company know Ive still had problems.

"Mr. Sampson someone's trying to use your card at a hotel in London" - yeah its me.
I told you guys 4 days ago I was traveling. Thank for nothing
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I like to pay restaurant bills and tips in cash. That we get money back from using our credit card, that gets used for groceries, gasoline, etc.
I rarely use cash for anything, but I do only tip in cash. Always carry 100 bucks with me for those just in case moments.
Not much. Sometimes use cash at say a dollar or convenience store (QT) or drive thru just to get some smaller bills change for the diy car wash I frequent. That and anyplace that may charge a service charge for CC use, local Napa store just went that route. Otherwise, I'm cash back'n with CC offering me highest cash back on that category, eg. gas, groceries, drug stores, etc. Of course, pay previous month balance off each month.
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Many of the restaurants require cash around here unless you like service charges and credit fees and mandatory minimum tips. One of the cash only places has an ATM, which is definitely not my cup of tea.

We have some smaller stores and grocery stores that also require cash. (Debit cards have fees added)

A few stores only accept cash or discover card so if you have something else SOL.

One gas station has a discount coupon but to use the coupon you have to go inside and prepay

When we go up north there are several motels that it’s best to pay cash as you get around a $30 discount (you won’t find them online)
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It also depends on why you have the cash, how much you have and perhaps why you don't want to deposit it in the bank. Depending on the place, it may also be cheaper to use cash than a card. Many gas stations have a cash price and a credit price. The diner we get take out from prints both prices right on the receipt. Your price depends on the payment method chosen. The other advantage of cash is that it is harder for the cashier to shame you into a tip, even on take out, by giving you the screen on the tablet where you can pick the tip percentage, or heaven forbid, NO TIP. The real question is this; how many times have you given a tip, the receiver knows it, and they don't even acknowledge it? That bothers me just a bit.
As much as possible. Gas, groceries, movies, snacks etc

I truly think a lot of low level workers don't like cash just because they have to know how to make change. [whiny voice]Counting is sooo haaaaaard!![/whiny voice]
As much as possible. Gas, groceries, movies, snacks etc

I truly think a lot of low level workers don't like cash just because they have to know how to make change. [whiny voice]Counting is sooo haaaaaard!![/whiny voice]
They may have tableside payment with a service fee and percentage CC fee.

Mineshaft is that way, waitress has to walk to the other side of the Walmart sized restaurant to make change which is an aggravation but I don’t like paying an extra 5 ish percent for convenience either
Let me give you an example of how cash works in my life.

I had the following repairs done this evening.

New thermostat in an older Toyota.
New serpentine belt on a Ford Five Hundred which, along with a charged up battery, launched the car back to life and negated the need to tow the vehicle to a nearby shop.
New Rubber motor mount put in a dogbone on a Ford Five Hundred.
New headlight assembly installed on an older Kia minivan.
Two batteries installed.

Over two hours of great conversation and a lot of great ideas on how to overcome our lack of tools at given moments. We used everything from forty year old spare parts to a couple of wooden poles to make things work.

Total cost - $100 cash and I also owe him a healthy meal at a Waffle House.

To me that's how a cash economy is way better than a credit/online driven economy. You get way more done without Wall Street and a thousand coporate executives becoming the middlemen.
Let me give you an example of how cash works in my life.

I had the following repairs done this evening.

New thermostat in an older Toyota.
New serpentine belt on a Ford Five Hundred which, along with a charged up battery, launched the car back to life and negated the need to tow the vehicle to a nearby shop.
New Rubber motor mount put in a dogbone on a Ford Five Hundred.
New headlight assembly installed on an older Kia minivan.
Two batteries installed.

Over two hours of great conversation and a lot of great ideas on how to overcome our lack of tools at given moments. We used everything from forty year old spare parts to a couple of wooden poles to make things work.

Total cost - $100 cash and I also owe him a healthy meal at a Waffle House.

To me that's how a cash economy is way better than a credit/online driven economy. You get way more done without Wall Street and a thousand coporate executives becoming the middlemen.

That’s top of the mark 110% truth right there my friend. I always have decent amount of cash on me; never a issue
If it's several dollars or less purchase, I pay cash.
Waitress tip
Weekly Catholic Church envelopes / donations
Mega Millions lottery when the jackpot soars
Car Wash