What are your biggest pet peeves?

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Jan 7, 2009
Rochester, MI, US, World
A couple of mine:

"I seen that movie the other day..." - This irritates me to no end, and I have many friends and a few relatives that say this. I love them all to death but, how on earth does it make sense to say it this way? It doesn't!!!

Also, when people use the term "It's twice as hot as..." when referring to temperatures. Like some people would say that 100 degrees is twice as hot as 50 degrees, as if 0 degrees is the baseline for as cold as it can get. But this isn't true, and also doesn't make sense.

When people call caramel "care-a-mel". Yes, I realize that technically this is probably how it's pronounced. But no one from here pronounces it that way, so to me, it's wrong (yes, I also refuse to acknowledge that "soda" is a word... it's "pop" for crying out loud!)

When people write checks in the grocery store when there is a huge line behind them...

When people talk on their phone when ordering fast food/checking out at the store/etc. COMPLETELY disrespectful, and most of them never say a word or even acknowledge the cashier.
Life is too short to have pet peeves. Focus on the positive things, don't let negatives drag you down.
Originally Posted By: CivicFan
Life is too short to have pet peeves. Focus on the positive things, don't let negatives drag you down.

Never said they were dragging me down.
I hate when the cashier talks to her BF or another cashier and totally ignores you.. rings up your order wrong.. then gets huffy when you ask for a manager because shes clueless and didnt notice a bunch of mistakes.. note this isnt restricted to women but not too many guy cashiers around here.
Oh so many, where do I even begin? I hate when people say "Mercon III," people who turn right on red when there's a "no turn on red" sign, people who have almost all the taillights burnt out on their car, people who remove catalytic converters on vehicles.

And most of all, people who say the year is "two thousand eleven." It should be "twenty-eleven." That's the convention we've been using basically forever, why did it all of a sudden change?
For me, it's these:

-Folks who can't use simple words correctly, like getting "your" and "you're" straight.

-Folks who can't use question marks correctly.

-Going to a play, movie, or some event where ringing cell phones would interfere, hearing people being told to "please turn off your cell phones", and STILL having somebody's phone go off.

-Being on a road where a lane ends or becomes a turn-only lane and having to contend with the "special" folks who, instead of heeding the sign and merging smoothly, wait until the last minute or use it to try to get ahead of everyone else.
Originally Posted By: Dave Sherman

-Being on a road where a lane ends or becomes a turn-only lane and having to contend with the "special" folks who, instead of heeding the sign and merging smoothly, wait until the last minute or use it to try to get ahead of everyone else.

^^ This too!! I see this every day driving home! There are no less than 6 signs that clearly say "exit only" and apparently either no one knows how to read a sign, or they think the signs are lying to them and it's not actually an exit only lane.
Originally Posted By: exranger06
Originally Posted By: Dave Sherman

-Being on a road where a lane ends or becomes a turn-only lane and having to contend with the "special" folks who, instead of heeding the sign and merging smoothly, wait until the last minute or use it to try to get ahead of everyone else.

^^ This too!! I see this every day driving home! There are no less than 6 signs that clearly say "exit only" and apparently either no one knows how to read a sign, or they think the signs are lying to them and it's not actually an exit only lane.

Yeah that makes me angry too. I have this one spot on the highway where its two lanes but the third from the offramp is a merge lane. You cant see the people coming down the offramp so at the last 3 or 4 seconds you can see the poeple coming. I drive my 3 ton on the right hand lane cause its the slow lane "another peeve" and the people coming down the offramp just swing over into the next lane without yeilding to the other traffic. Numerous times ive almost killed many people and would have no choice cause of the people in the lane next to me. I would feel sorry if I smeared a car into the merridian with my 23,000 pound truck but then again would I feel sorry for someone that intentionally put a gun to their head and pulled the trigger. Probably not. Pet peeve, I guess 95% of all people in the world is my pet peeve.
#1 Smoking.
When I date someone, if they smoke -I Try to tolerate it- but inevitably I can't stand it.

Have lost two girlfriends because of this- They were otherwise great GREAT loves but I just can't ignore it.

#2 People who just HAVE to pass you on the highway, only to slow down while in front of you...

#3 People who complain about their car's reliability YET do NOTHING/ MAKE NO EFFORT in keeping their car up to spec.
(Yeah, we're all leading busy lives...take 2 minutes and check your oil...)
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People in general are really starting to irritate me. America is getting dumber and more rude every day.

Its getting harder and harder to let things slide.

I'd like to pimp-slap about 25% of the population.

I'd start with the soccer moms that can't drive their huge SUVs because they have a phone in one hand and a Latte in the other.
Originally Posted By: Stewart Fan

I'd start with the soccer moms that can't drive their huge SUVs because they have a phone in one hand and a Latte in the other.

They steer with their knees - I'm sure its proper technique somewhere...
Originally Posted By: Chris142
People that call me bro. People that say it did not do that before

Also, friends and/or acquaintances who call you "boss". That = definite tool. Unless, of course, you actually are their boss at work.
Originally Posted By: needsducktape
Originally Posted By: Stewart Fan

I'd start with the soccer moms that can't drive their huge SUVs because they have a phone in one hand and a Latte in the other.

They steer with their knees

Or with their over-sized silicone breasts.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Originally Posted By: needsducktape
Originally Posted By: Stewart Fan

I'd start with the soccer moms that can't drive their huge SUVs because they have a phone in one hand and a Latte in the other.

They steer with their knees

Or with their over-sized silicone breasts.

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