What are you watching on tv right now?

Just watched Oppenheimer on Peacock.

Hard for me to follow. Still, it was fairly interesting. Awfully long.

I think Nolan is a brilliant filmmaker but there is a minimalistic and utilitarian artifice to his movie. Nolan relies on a lot of exposition which easily gets tedious and ven boring because I'd rather see fleshed-out what's presented as exposition. There's a lack of humanity because Nolan movies are driven by ideas and not by character development. due to rather terse dialog and little character development. Nolan has to rely on his actors to convey emotions because his story and plot are not fleshed out. I just don't find the characters in his movies all that compelling especially when the often overly loud score drowns out dialogue.

On the other hand, these aren't family popcorn movies and they require a bit of mental processing by the viewer which is something that's missing from most big movies. And Nolan is one of the last few directors who can pull off a big movie, at least the kind of movie that he wants to make.

There was a rumor Nolan may direct Bond 26 and maybe Bond 27. That seemed highly unlikely to make because producers Broccoli and Wilson reign with an iron hand over their IP and Nolan won't let a studio dictate how he must make a movie. Nolan has since said he won't direct Bond 26.
I think Nolan is a brilliant filmmaker but there is a minimalistic and utilitarian artifice to his movie. Nolan relies on a lot of exposition which easily gets tedious and ven boring because I'd rather see fleshed-out what's presented as exposition. There's a lack of humanity because Nolan movies are driven by ideas and not by character development. due to rather terse dialog and little character development. Nolan has to rely on his actors to convey emotions because his story and plot are not fleshed out. I just don't find the characters in his movies all that compelling especially when the often overly loud score drowns out dialogue.

On the other hand, these aren't family popcorn movies and they require a bit of mental processing by the viewer which is something that's missing from most big movies. And Nolan is one of the last few directors who can pull off a big movie, at least the kind of movie that he wants to make.

There was a rumor Nolan may direct Bond 26 and maybe Bond 27. That seemed highly unlikely to make because producers Broccoli and Wilson reign with an iron hand over their IP and Nolan won't let a studio dictate how he must make a movie. Nolan has since said he won't direct Bond 26.
You know, I never really pay too much attention to whom the actual filmmaker is. I generally just find out what the film is about and decide if the topic is something I'm interested in. Maybe this time I really should have, because Nolan previously did two films I found rather disappointing. One was Interstellar and the other one was Dunkirk (and I am a huge WW2 film fan).
You know, I never really pay too much attention to whom the actual filmmaker is.
That's hard to get around for me because I'm into movies and I can spot a Nolan movie blindfolded after two minutes.
I generally just find out what the film is about and decide if the topic is something I'm interested in.
I often find end up enjoying movies I watch with little hope of liking them and vice versa., For example, 7 years ago I was really looking forward to Fury Road and I ended up not caring for it at all. It actually put me to sleep which normally doesn't happen.
Maybe this time I really should have, because Nolan previously did two films I found rather disappointing. One was Interstellar and the other one was Dunkirk (and I am a huge WW2 film fan).
I could barely get through Interstellar. I found Dunkirk disappointing because the volume at which the track plays is too loud and distracting for me. I'm not saying a war movie shouldn't be loud but when it takes away from the visuals I find it problematic. Didn't care for Tenet beyond the concept.

The Nolan movies I like the most are

The Dark Knight
The Prestige
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Last night we watched Guilt (latest season, but are a couple episodes behind). Funny as heck, but you need to pay attention.

Shardlake on Hulu fascinating. I never heard of this series. Think of Church of England, foul king, Catholics getting the boot era - nasty, but very interesting acting and sets.
Watched a bit of Willie's 90th birthday celebration last night and saw too much Crowe. Then I realized I watched some of this in December of last year. No mention of it being a re-run.

Us old folks need this or we think it new!

Then It was off to watch a couple Powernation engine builds on YT.
Then got me some some Powell Machine Inc. Good ole boy shop, he knows some stuff.
