What are you watching on tv right now?

CPO SHARKEY with Don Rickles
I LOVE some of those old early Tv series that I can still recall watching with my dad or grandfathers. Me sitting in front of the big console Tv set decked out at 5-6 yrs old in my hat, western shirt, plastic chaps, boots, dual holsters with cap guns waiting for The Roy Rogers show. Then after that an entire morning of Saturday cartoons with one of my all time favorites.... Wile E. Coyote who would get destroyed / anihilated by the Road Runner or one of Coyote's failed traps or gizmos he bought and set up made by the good old ACME Corp! LoL. Then of course by the end of those the neighborhood gang of my buddies would make their way to the house where we all would gather to watch Johnny Quest!
Just watched “Mr Bates vs The Post Office” on Amazon Prime (PBS Masterpiece)
It’s 4 episodes long and based on a true story. The injustice that these people had to deal with for years is unbelievable.
Look it up, the story will draw you in.
We watched that. Completely insane.

That was insane! I couldn’t imagine living with the feeling of helplessness that these people had to endure for so long. It’s amazing that so many people had the same thing happen, yet, it took countless years for it all to come out.
Didn't watch them on TV but streamed on my computer and watched on the screen.

Psycho, 1960 - obviously a 5-star Hitchcock classic
Psycho II, 1982 - serviceable
Psycho III, 1986, directed by Perkins - pretty good
Psycho IV 1990 - meh

I recommend the original, II, and III.
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