What are you doing right now?

I wish PA did stuff like that. Was those plates off one of your vehicles Blake?
Yes they were on our Jeep for about a year when my mom still drove it. Then we got the 2004 Camry we transferred them to that and then when my dad started driving that one we took these off since they were getting worn and got some Don’t Tread On Me ones. I have many more. I may post some in the random picture thread.
suffering after 2nd moderna covid vac shot.
have a fever of 102f, slept for 19 hours and drank 2 gatoraid. so far.

First one my arm was really sore.. if you just brushed against it.. it was similar to getting punched... that was it.

This second shot is the pits. Various body parts cramping such as calves and feet, arms, back, shoulder.. Knife like pains. disorienting feeling/nausea. ugh.

Also body cant make up its mind.. goes from goosebumps to sweating in about 30s.

but thats enough whining.. I prearranged 2 days off ahead of time.. hopefully thats long enough.
Same here.
everyone I know that got the pfizer version has been fine. dont know anyone who got the J&J
at work about 50/50 on the side effects.

I work/contact hundreds of people a day it would be irresponsible to not get it.. I got it for everyone else.. not for me.
unfortunately we didnt get to choose which version.

But since this is the what are you doing right now.. right now I just finished a bowl of strawberry ice cream :)