What are you doing right now?

I’m moving to Texas LOL. I wish it was like that here. Here the restaurants can only be 50% capacity and have to close the dining room from 12-5am no alcohol after 10pm. Curfew restrictions after midnight. No returns at the stores, the list goes on and on.

What state are you in?

Fed the dogs, played with them, made a nice breakfast for Dad and I. Planning a trip for May, Dad, my best friend, and I are taking. Two wheels each, but dualsport bikes, not street, as many gravel roads, trails, and away from crowds as possible. In July we have a street ride trip, just Dad and I. But for me the exciting one is that entire month of December, and first week of January we are going to Mexico again, we go annually since I was 7 years old, but we didn't this last December, and it was disappointing. Well we are going for sure this year, Dad has ordered a new camper, it arrives in April. Load our bikes, 1 on the front, the other on the back, we will take turns driving, and away we go.
What state are you in?

Fed the dogs, played with them, made a nice breakfast for Dad and I. Planning a trip for May, Dad, my best friend, and I are taking. Two wheels each, but dualsport bikes, not street, as many gravel roads, trails, and away from crowds as possible. In July we have a street ride trip, just Dad and I. But for me the exciting one is that entire month of December, and first week of January we are going to Mexico again, we go annually since I was 7 years old, but we didn't this last December, and it was disappointing. Well we are going for sure this year, Dad has ordered a new camper, it arrives in April. Load our bikes, 1 on the front, the other on the back, we will take turns driving, and away we go.
I’m in Virginia. The state isn’t what it used to be.
Going to look at a truck like mine. The guy wants $650 for it said it runs like crap he thinks it needs a carburetor so we will see when she gets home if I buy it which I’m probably going too. Those things are known for bad fuel pumps so it could be that too but either way I want it especially since they are kinda rare these days.
I'm finally awake. My cat woke me up pawing me in the face, and then she sat in a ball on top of my head haha!! My girlfriend was already awake working on a few of her immigration cases. I'm going to change the oil in my Accord here in just a bit before we head out. Going to the Latin club tonight to dance. We've been practicing some new Bachata dances.
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Helped my dad with work this morning, then we went dirt biking. Cleaning up the bikes took a long time, then we made dinner, sparred for a while, showered, watched some TV, wrestled with my dad, then the dogs, and off to bed soon. Have my new part time job tomorrow, so have to be up early. Doesn't seem like Saturdays are ever long enough.
Getting ready to go to bed for the night I guess. I don’t know if I can sleep because I’m excited about my new truck lol. Already set up a DMV appointment too. I’ve been looking at plates all day trying to decide which design to get. Virginia has the most specialty design license plates out of all 50 states.
Trying to motivate my parents to help me clean up the carport so we can move the beetle under there and put the new truck in the beetle spot while I work on it. Hopefully we can bring it home this coming week. The poor guy had some medical issues yesterday so he didn’t really feel good so we couldn’t bring it home since he had to go to the emergency room. But we already paid for it and got everything that we need. I think I can probably slap a starter or fuel pump on it to get it home.