What are you doing right now?

Chilling at home. Work was another slow day of hardly anything. No use in staying when nothing hardly comes in even though we have a sign outside saying walk ins welcome. Might work on my beetle some. I think a lot of people are kinda scared still. What makes me uncomfortable is we aren’t allowed to refuse a customer who wants to drive their car in and set in their car while the work is preformed because we have to offer contactless service per the state mandate which states if we are going to be open we have to offer the contactless service. Which we weren’t aware of at first then we got reported and the inspector told us to start doing it. So we have to let customers drive the car in the shop and out if they request too. And cover the seat before entering if we drive it in. The last thing I want is to be run over by a customer lol.
Chilling at home. Work was another slow day of hardly anything. No use in staying when nothing hardly comes in even though we have a sign outside saying walk ins welcome. Might work on my beetle some. I think a lot of people are kinda scared still. What makes me uncomfortable is we aren’t allowed to refuse a customer who wants to drive their car in and set in their car while the work is preformed because we have to offer contactless service per the state mandate which states if we are going to be open we have to offer the contactless service. Which we weren’t aware of at first then we got reported and the inspector told us to start doing it. So we have to let customers drive the car in the shop and out if they request too. And cover the seat before entering if we drive it in. The last thing I want is to be run over by a customer lol.

Must be a very slow shop you work at, many here have a 2 to 4 week wait just to get an appointment.
My boss let me go home early today, so went for a run with my dogs, might pull the wheels off my Fit next, and check the brakes. Slowly but Surely checking over everything on my new to me, but old car.
its about time for me to pull the jeep's brakes and lube them up, they are still working ok though and was thinking about trading it in soon.. :unsure::unsure:

Today felt ok to get out of bed after sleeping 31 of 36 hours after getting moderna covid vac.

Went to target and stocked up on eyedrops since they emailed me a no limit 5$ coupon for the pricy ones the eye dr says I should use 5x a day.
(have dry eyes and a minor abrasion on one eye)
Must be a very slow shop you work at, many here have a 2 to 4 week wait just to get an appointment.
My boss let me go home early today, so went for a run with my dogs, might pull the wheels off my Fit next, and check the brakes. Slowly but Surely checking over everything on my new to me, but old car.
Yes it’s pretty slow around here. My buddy works at a chain shop and he said this is the slowest they have ever been. We have had to turn down some stuff because of parts being short.
I hear about some areas being short of vehicles on car lots, parts hard to get, but nothing like that around here. Pleanty of vehicles for sale, lots full.
Parts are plentiful, or if they need to be ordered, are days away, not weeks or months. Canada sure hasn't suffered like the USA has. We have many relatives in the USA, my Dad was born there, and they discuss the past year, compared to here, it sounds like hell. 95% of people here just continue on like usual, the paranoid 5% just do whatever they want. Dad, and I both had covid, it was like a very mild flu and cough for us.
I hear about some areas being short of vehicles on car lots, parts hard to get, but nothing like that around here. Pleanty of vehicles for sale, lots full.
Parts are plentiful, or if they need to be ordered, are days away, not weeks or months. Canada sure hasn't suffered like the USA has. We have many relatives in the USA, my Dad was born there, and they discuss the past year, compared to here, it sounds like hell. 95% of people here just continue on like usual, the paranoid 5% just do whatever they want. Dad, and I both had covid, it was like a very mild flu and cough for us.
Yeah I agree. Wish it was like that here I don’t know if it will ever get back to normal.
It's pretty much business as usual/normal here in Texas (y) Roads and highways are packed as usual, restaurants are completely filled up, and our favorite Latin club gets totally packed by 11:30pm. By midnight it's so full everyone's dancing all over each other. Last Saturday we didn't leave the club till almost 5am!! I'm always the only white/Asian guy in there haha!! Fun times!!:D

As tonight, I'm making a Jacks' frozen pepperoni pizza. I always doctor them up with extra cheese. I grated some fresh parmesan tonight to put on this one, and I bake it till the edges are crispy.
It's pretty much business as usual/normal here in Texas (y) Roads and highways are packed as usual, restaurants are completely filled up, and our favorite Latin club gets totally packed by 11:30pm. By midnight it's so full everyone's dancing all over each other. Last Saturday we didn't leave the club till almost 5am!! I'm always the only white/Asian guy in there haha!! Fun times!!:D

As tonight, I'm making a Jacks' frozen pepperoni pizza. I always doctor them up with extra cheese. I grated some fresh parmesan tonight to put on this one, and I bake it till the edges are crispy.
I’m moving to Texas LOL. I wish it was like that here. Here the restaurants can only be 50% capacity and have to close the dining room from 12-5am no alcohol after 10pm. Curfew restrictions after midnight. No returns at the stores, the list goes on and on.
We just got home, after working on my car a while, Dad landed, stopped working, and we made dinner together. Then he suggested we go shoot some pool at the pub his friend owns, so we did, and had a beer or two. Then I suggested we go dancing, so we went to a club, and danced a while. Dancing is definitely one of my favorite things to do. Guys are generally terrible dancers, and even worse at trying to be smooth about hitting on us women. I had to laugh at the lame attemps made to hit on me, maybe they should read a book or two, and not just comics, or their Xbox manual either. Tip guys, try having some class, and be able to have a real conversation. No wonder my dad never worried about some boy trying to pick me up, just laughable is all they were.
Leaving the yard for work and found these guys having a snooze.