What are you doing right now?

Just eating some sushi. And talking with my parents about the job I got offered.


I got a new job a couple of days ago, working on Sundays, then my other job is full time Monday through Friday. Yesterday was my first day at the new job, loving it already. Right now I am doing my taxes, listening to Nickelback, while surrounded by my 4 dogs. Set my Dad up on a date, they are out right now, just not sure if any woman is good enough for him.
Getting ready to lift weights. Arms night tonight. Then I'll drink my post workout shake (milk, whey, creatine, and collagen), eat a couple bowls of cereal, brush and floss my teeth, then crash for the night.
Laying here in bed I don’t want to go to bed I’ve been watching YouTube. I scraped up my leg earlier because my dog was running while on the leash and I tripped over a ramp so it hurts still so I’m setting here relaxing it with some ice.
Out of frustration I bought a case (12 bottles) of Redline P/S fluid on Amazon because NAPA didn't restock it the second time I checked.

Came out to $10 a bottle. At least I'm set with PSF for life.

Just for one truck lol.