What are you doing right now?

I'm helping my 10 year and her best friend run their sweets and treats business at the local county market. They made it all themselves and been selling like crazy.


They hold a dog contest there every year at the first market of the year in March. There's a few categories for cutest dog, best costume, most obedient, and best tricks. After training for months, my dog won the most obedient contest. She won a bucket full of treats and toys.View attachment 49202
Too cute. Love the dogs.
Laying here waiting on my dad to finish his bowl of cereal and hoping he will quit complaining about the whole milk I bought so we can go get some vacuum hose for our van.
I'm helping my 10 year and her best friend run their sweets and treats business at the local county market. They made it all themselves and been selling like crazy.

To follow up on this, we got around to counting up their take from yesterday... in 4 hours... they made $198.50. 😲

We added $1.50 to it so they could split it $100/ea.