What are you doing right now?

What are yall planning on making to eat?
Steaks but they don’t sell the individual grates anymore so we went home and cooked them in the cast iron skillet nice and medium rare.
Steaks but they don’t sell the individual grates anymore so we went home and cooked them in the cast iron skillet nice and medium rare.View attachment 49490
That looks amazing!! 😋 I spy a root beer. I love that stuff!! I like to pour root beer into a frozen glass and spray whipped cream on top of it. I like my beverages really cold, so I always keep a glass in the freezer.
Yes it was very amazing. Root Beer is king. Man now you got me wanting a Root Beer float.
This was my root beer float recipe.

Two scoops of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream.
Glass filled halfway with hot fudge topping.
Covered with heavy whipped cream.
Filled to the top with root beer.
Looking at a gnarly oil leak on the Chevy. Thought it was a leaking crank sensor seal so had to pull the starter to change the sensor. Looks like a trip to the mechanic since its wet from the rear rightmost of the engine.
Sitting here bored at work probably will go home soon. Boss said he is going to have me rebuild the carburetor of his truck tomorrow and the suspension either tomorrow or sometime this week. I wish work would pick up it’s hurting my paycheck but I’m still getting paid luckily.
Relaxing before I have to go to class tonight. We are flushing differentials in there tonight which I really don’t feel like doing but oh well it’s better than doing class work.