What are you doing right now?

I’m chilling right now. I want to relax but it’s hard to relax when neighbor is outside mowing the grass. Hopefully dad will want to watch a movie with me later. We have tons of movies we want to watch just never home long enough. I want to do it with him to spend time with him.
I just got back from my 5-mile run. It was chilly and I am having a mug of hot cacao. I'm watching my cats eating and in 15 minutes I'll take a nice cold shower. I mean an ice-cold shower. Brrr!
My oldest son is coming over and we are doing some more log work on the pond bank today. Cutting down a 40 ft cedar and trimming it up, cut to length and use it to stack with others as a barrier wall in the water at the edge. It's about a 2- 4 ft vertical face there.
I’m chilling right now. I want to relax but it’s hard to relax when neighbor is outside mowing the grass. Hopefully dad will want to watch a movie with me later. We have tons of movies we want to watch just never home long enough. I want to do it with him to spend time with him.
You and that disgusting word "relax"
You should be working three jobs at your age and moving on. In a few short years you will be 40 years old and won't know how you got there.
Need some more logs for the bottom open area between logs then ready for a layer of mulch, then more logs. Then some steel cable to keep it from drifting. Then more mulch and branches. Then more mulch.... The water is at it's high maintained level but can get about 8 foot deeper. There are several tee post hammered in out there. And old power poles under it all secured with tee post hardware at the waterline. Water is maintained 2 ft too high.
read for some mulch fill.jpg

read for some mulch fill 2.jpg
Waiting for dinner. Wife wants me to run out afterwards and take advantage of mulch being on sale at HD, so will find out how much will fit in a CRV. Bummed that I still don’t have my next car, as otherwise I would take my trailer and buy more than what the crv can hold.
I’m assembling a desk from a made-in-China boxed package. I have plenty of practical experience with it but the very first instruction was to join part 7 to part 8. In the diagram part 8 was 7 and part 7 was 8. Come on XI, get it right.
Just got done putting together our new griddle that we bought a month ago lol. It’s all seasoned up now and we are going to cook Italian sausages and peppers on it and maybe a few hotdogs. We had to take half of it apart because the instructions weren’t clear lol. Probably going to watch a movie as we eat dinner since I can’t do streaming in the living room so no baseball. I would like to watch the new Batman movie but it’s too long to watch this late lol.
No oucs yet but the majority of my garden is in. Simple is the name of the game. Potatoes, sweet peas, celery, tomatoes and carrots.

Need to add the trellis for the peas and pick up a couple more celery plants from the greenhouse and possibly broccoli if they have it in. Then lay some straw down between the rows. It helps a bit with the weeds but really helps maintain moisture.

My raspberry transplants from last year are starting to grow, as is a few strawberries.

Super excited but of course the fun of weeding in the heat and mosquitoes seems to quell that excitement...