What are you doing right now?

In shock still, my girlfriend invited me out to dinner, and proposed to me.
I said yes, love her very much.
Just wasn't expecting to be asked.

That's really something!!

I had to beg my wife, for obvious reasons.

I'm listening to my tom cat beg loudly for food. His machine opens up and feeds him precisely at 5AM.
I had to beg my wife, for obvious reasons.
I didn’t have to beg too much, but she did throw up afterwards.

[No, seriously, she did. It was St Patrick’s Day and either she had a stomach bug or the corned beef didn’t sit well with her. She still finds it a hoot to this day.]


I went to bed early last night, woke up early today. But my brain has yet to wake up. Tried to open a calculus book, pick up studying where I left off. No go. Got a book of collected Arthur C Clarke’s sci-fi stories and am having a tough time getting into it, just not a sci-fi fan. It’s like the front half of my head is out to lunch, or still in bed.

So second cup of coffee early, although am wondering if I need to go have some simple carbs or something to jumpstart the brain. Should have done a workout instead of breakfast I guess.

Not much on the agenda for today, wrap presents and putter around the house. I’d go car shopping but I think prices are on the way down, so I might as well wait for the bottom. Plus I don’t want to buy what I need, so that is a hindrance.
In shock still, my girlfriend invited me out to dinner, and proposed to me.
I said yes, love her very much.
Just wasn't expecting to be asked.
That's awesome! My wife asked me to our high school prom and been together ever since. We were married in 1999 and have two great kids.
Need my espresso!!
Sipping mine, as I type this. I busted out the Moka again, it's the weeekend!
Just waiting on parents to get up. Dog is taken care of and it’s cold outside lol. Had to run back in when I was done with her walk cause my bladder couldn’t wait lol 😂. Just on my laptop (though posting from my phone) and watching SpongeBob on tv. Still don’t understand how most here prefer typing on a computer, I certainly don’t it makes my fingers hurt lol. I know where every key is on laptop and phone but definitely can type faster and easier with my thumbs on my phone.
Dog is taken care of and it’s cold outside lol. Had to run back in when I was done with her walk cause my bladder couldn’t wait lol 😂
'round here, you just look around, and... hey, what's ok for the dog is ok for me too (when no one is looking, of course).

Still don’t understand how most here prefer typing on a computer, I certainly don’t it makes my fingers hurt lol.
Do you know how to touch-type? I had to learn in high school, thought it stupid. Went to college and... had to relearn. Been touch typing on a daily basis for over 20 years, comes with being behind a computer for 8+ hours a day. No finger pain, it's not like I have bang on the keys or anything. I have had keyboards where the letters are rubbed off and it doesn't slow me down, only if I stop and actually look at the keyboard, then I don't remember where the letters are (c and v wear off fast!).
Went out into my wood lot, was going to move brush around, found that one of my amateur radio antenna ropes failed. Rubbed on a branch, was only a matter of time. Not sure how I'll fix, I was able to verify that the antenna itself was rubbing on a branch too, which is less than optimal.

I have grown to hate getting lines up into the trees, so I'm wondering if I can do a quick install on a vertical that I've been wanting to put up for a few years... but stapling radials down is not appealing.

Otherwise, stuck at home, all the cars went out and I'm still here. Since it's nice and warm outside (45F and sunny) what I should be doing is getting a bike ride in while I can.
'round here, you just look around, and... hey, what's ok for the dog is ok for me too (when no one is looking, of course).

Do you know how to touch-type? I had to learn in high school, thought it stupid. Went to college and... had to relearn. Been touch typing on a daily basis for over 20 years, comes with being behind a computer for 8+ hours a day. No finger pain, it's not like I have bang on the keys or anything. I have had keyboards where the letters are rubbed off and it doesn't slow me down, only if I stop and actually look at the keyboard, then I don't remember where the letters are (c and v wear off fast!).
I know how to do that. I find it easier to just touch the letters I need with one or two fingers the touch type thing makes my fingers hurt more than using just one or two. I know where every key is just by memory but I just can’t stand it on a computer. None of my keys wear off. If they did my OCD would require that I replace them lol. C and V wearing off quickly? That’s kinda interesting haha. I’d expect like A&E but that’s an interesting combination. I was happy to have used every key on the keyboard of my MacBook within two days of purchase that’s never happened before haha. Usually it’s weeks before I use Q,Z, X or J lol.
Not sure how old this keyboard is, the shine on the keys isn't that well defined, I think my last keyboard was around 5 years old when it gave up, and there quite the polish on it. I think I've been getting logitech K120's and I suspect quality may be going downhill? seems this one has worn faster.

c&v are really easily explained. cntrl-c is copy, cntrl-v is paste. I do a fair amount of cntrl-x too (cut & copy) but not nearly as much. v goes first as I will often put to clipboard something I want in multiple places (CAD work). c follows some time thereafter.

The shine isn't coming out in the pic that well, the space bar is more shiny in person. But my last keyboard, c & v looked more like some bearings worn down copper, they were starting to get grooves like something with really bad oil! it was getting impressive I thought.

Not sure how old this keyboard is, the shine on the keys isn't that well defined, I think my last keyboard was around 5 years old when it gave up, and there quite the polish on it. I think I've been getting logitech K120's and I suspect quality may be going downhill? seems this one has worn faster.

c&v are really easily explained. cntrl-c is copy, cntrl-v is paste. I do a fair amount of cntrl-x too (cut & copy) but not nearly as much. v goes first as I will often put to clipboard something I want in multiple places (CAD work). c follows some time thereafter.

The shine isn't coming out in the pic that well, the space bar is more shiny in person. But my last keyboard, c & v looked more like some bearings worn down copper, they were starting to get grooves like something with really bad oil! it was getting impressive I thought.

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Ah interesting I didn’t know there were shortcuts for copy and paste. I always do right click for that. I don’t know any computer shortcuts though haha. You learn something new everyday.
Ah interesting I didn’t know there were shortcuts for copy and paste. I always do right click for that. I don’t know any computer shortcuts though haha. You learn something new everyday.
If you are a Mac guy, well I can't help with that, they have different shortcut keys. ;) I think it's cmd key? something like that. I always forget when I turn on my BT keyboard and type on my iPad, it's the one drawback that has.

I try not to program hotkeys but some things are done so much that they are a godsend. LTSPICE, one learns the F keys to make the program work. In my CAD work I wound up programming "x" to be "move by (x,y)" as I'm constantly moving things by that method.

One of the great GUI's failures IMO is when tab no longer goes between fields properly.

Something I've now started using, quite a bit actually, is windows-e in order to bring up file explorer. Just open a new explorer, go into my folder of shortcuts, navigate from there. [Years ago I hated that button! kept hitting it by accident, so I "fixed" it by removing it. Had a computer problem, the IT guy came over to fix... and... he was flummoxed at how to do what he needed to do, everything he did was based on... using the windows key to get there.]
If you are a Mac guy, well I can't help with that, they have different shortcut keys. ;) I think it's cmd key? something like that. I always forget when I turn on my BT keyboard and type on my iPad, it's the one drawback that has.

I try not to program hotkeys but some things are done so much that they are a godsend. LTSPICE, one learns the F keys to make the program work. In my CAD work I wound up programming "x" to be "move by (x,y)" as I'm constantly moving things by that method.

One of the great GUI's failures IMO is when tab no longer goes between fields properly.

Something I've now started using, quite a bit actually, is windows-e in order to bring up file explorer. Just open a new explorer, go into my folder of shortcuts, navigate from there. [Years ago I hated that button! kept hitting it by accident, so I "fixed" it by removing it. Had a computer problem, the IT guy came over to fix... and... he was flummoxed at how to do what he needed to do, everything he did was based on... using the windows key to get there.]
I am a Mac guy but unfortunately still have to use Windows computers at work. Dell in particular all in one desktops. Nice but I hate the format. I think you are referring to the command key? Never used either one on mine don’t know what they do lol. Guess it’s like alternate on the Windows computer.

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Just waiting on parents to get up. Dog is taken care of and it’s cold outside lol. Had to run back in when I was done with her walk cause my bladder couldn’t wait lol 😂. Just on my laptop (though posting from my phone) and watching SpongeBob on tv. Still don’t understand how most here prefer typing on a computer, I certainly don’t it makes my fingers hurt lol. I know where every key is on laptop and phone but definitely can type faster and easier with my thumbs on my phone.
You must have those extra-articulated thumbs people who grew up typing on mobile devices have. Have noticed my son can somehow reach any point on the phone screen with his thumb. Walks around texting one-handed and one-thumbed. I need both hands. Left hand to hold the phone, right index finger to type. I'm an evolutionary misfit. :oops:
I don't own a computer.
Use my cellphone, have a data that includes 100 GB.
When i use my tablet, which isn't often, my phone is used as the hot spot connection for it.
I have no need for a computer, so never had one.

Just got back from a walk, the girlfriend and I, took my dog for an 8 km walk.
Made a big breakfast before we went walking.
Bought my grandmother a new chair for Christmas, going to get it this afternoon.
Not going to try and hide it, just bring it in and say Merry Christmas Grandma.
Then haul her old dilapidated chair out to the dump, along with other garbage, so a big dump run.
No I don't have garbage pick up, I haul away my trash.

Thank you all for the congratulations you gave me, I'm happy to be marrying my sweetheart.
Waking up from a catnap—was dozing, in and out, recharging my batteries—then somehow clamped down on my tongue. Rude awakening indeed.

Time to get back outside for the last bits of sunlight. Was moving piles of sticks from one spot to another, needed a nap, so… I did.
You must have those extra-articulated thumbs people who grew up typing on mobile devices have. Have noticed my son can somehow reach any point on the phone screen with his thumb. Walks around texting one-handed and one-thumbed. I need both hands. Left hand to hold the phone, right index finger to type. I'm an evolutionary misfit. :oops:
Maybe haha. When I had a flip phone and slide phone I used my thumbs too. I always thought people who use their index finger were odd lol but I guess it’s whatever works for you and them. It’s too hard to do with my index finger I’d be a lot slower at typing if that was the case.
Crud, wish I could make up my mind for what car I want to buy... hate car shopping. Not sure if it helps or hurts, living here--all the old car cars are rusty, which means I don't want to buy. But the newer ones are... pricey. Just killed a few minutes checking CL "just in case".