What are you doing right now?

Just left the second Walmart store today. Second trip to that store and one trip to the other and parents still can’t decide on a Christmas tree I said it’s not that hard pick colored or white lights and a white or green tree and the height and get one. I’ve never seen anyone complicate things as much as they do. I picked one out that I liked and offered to buy it but it wasn’t good enough for them I guess so I’m not offering to get another one. I like a white tree with colored lights that’s just my taste but I’m happy with any of them. Just if I’m buying it’s going to be that tree. So tomorrow we are going to every Walmart until we find the exact tree dad seen online. We should have gotten one weeks ago so the selection would not be as limited.
I'm watching SpongeBob SquarePants and laying here making my first post ever on BITOG with a computer lol. I definitely prefer the phone for typing but I can manage a computer. I've already used all of the letter keys lol. Even the three least common ones. That's something I've not done in the first two days before haha. 😂
Getting the ingredients together for my pumpkin pie. I use Stevia at 1/4 the rate and add some unsweetened coconut to the bottom. The Stevia has a clove after taste for me so I don't add any ground cloves.
That’s insane… I‘m on my iPad only because I don’t have a laptop to wander around with. Dislike typing with one finger—and hate typing anything on my iPhone SE. Gimme a full sized keyboard any day of the week.
Oh yeah on an iPhone SE I can see it being too small. I've got the 15 Pro and have had three 6.1 inch display iPhone the SE (all generations) is just too small.
Car shopping, could use another, not sure what but I’m burnt out on looking at CL. I don’t mind driving a beater, but after letting my daughter drive mine, and realize we all basically share vehicles… suddenly I want all my cars to have VSC.

Go stuck at home yesterday for a few hours, funny how dear old dad pays for everything yet is the first one to not have a car on the weekend (everyone else had a place to be).
Oh yeah on an iPhone SE I can see it being too small. I've got the 15 Pro and have had three 6.1 inch display iPhone the SE (all generations) is just too small.
Its a great size though, easy to carry. Use mine for taking photos and kinda sorta keeping tabs on things when not at my desk. Fits into any pocket.
Oh yeah on an iPhone SE I can see it being too small. I've got the 15 Pro and have had three 6.1 inch display iPhone the SE (all generations) is just too small.
Is the 15 Pro same size as the massively oversized 14 Pro? Pocket anchor would not even fit in my Carhart pants.

Regular 14 is large.

I am not typing anything important on any phone, dough.
Is the 15 Pro same size as the massively oversized 14 Pro? Pocket anchor would not even fit in my Carhart pants.

Regular 14 is large.

I am not typing anything important on any phone, dough.
Nice typo. :ROFLMAO: Makes the point! ;)

I do answer the occasional work email on mine, but no long responses. Go find a computer instead. Phone drops into any of my pockets, including shirt.
Is the 15 Pro same size as the massively oversized 14 Pro? Pocket anchor would not even fit in my Carhart pants.

Regular 14 is large.

I am not typing anything important on any phone, dough.
The Pro Max is massively oversized it’s 6.7 inches the regular is 6.1 as well as the Pro. The Plus models are also 6.7 but base model features. I don’t like the 6.7 but I do like the camera on them better.
There is no phone anywhere near as good for typing as a real keyboard. I've got a 14 and if I am forced to input anything I turn on the microphone and use voice input. But mainly I use my phone for what it is, a phone, and I use my computer for what it is, a computer.
I got fingers like twinkies and it's really hard to get to the front of the text line on a phone.
Wife gave me a BT logitech keyboard some years ago, and it works great with my iPad, with a built-in trough that I can put the iPad into (using it right now, actually). Do like, although remembering that cntrl-c and cntrl-v won’t work is the hardest thing to remember.

Got the gas fireplace on, watching it rain, while I have my afternoon coffee. Thinking about what to do next, might head to my (home) office, do some Christmas shopping. Got a side programming project to get back to, might be nice to knock off a few lines there. Almost have the office cleaned up, should get back to that too.

Almost 3:30 and it’s starting to get darker, go figure, sunset in less than an hour. Can’t wait for Christmas, not for the gifts, but for the idea that the days will start getting longer!
At Walmart for however many nights in a row now and the Christmas tree I want is gone and parents can’t decide on one. Sometimes I want to pull my hair out lol. No way I’m forking out $200 for a Christmas tree either. I agree get a pre lit tree but dang it’s not this hard. Probably going to end up at the other Walmart cause dad doesn’t want to buy a tree for more than $70 this one is picked over.

Regarding the keyboard thing I have memorized where all the keys are on phone and a computer I’m surprised at the people who prefer computers for typing. That makes my fingers hurt lol. I don’t ever use the way we are taught to type that’s too hard I just press the keys and that’s that.
Got back from a walk a little bit ago. While on said walk I took a picture of the leg lamp in my neighbor's window. The pic is pretty grainy as I had to zoom in all the way with my phone.

Enjoying some much deserved time off work.
Done now till January 2nd, then back to long hours hauling logs. Hopefully the roads will be frozen super hard by then.