What are you doing right now?

Watching my neighbor from afar trying to free a widow maker with a corded reciprocal saw
Just at work. Kinda slow today. Just been chilling. Excited to find a good margarita recipe for my new tequila. I need to buy a shaker. Dad located my favorite beer today so I’m excited for that too.
Putting up our Christmas tree now. Gosh we have too much stuff that dad won’t part with lol. Still has his computer box from 2013 that he won’t part with. That’s what’s taking up the most space. We picked a white tree with white lights after 10 Walmart stores over the weekend. We had to settle for that cause they would not pay more than $60 for a tree but it’s a nice tree.
I don't have a tree yet, maybe tomorrow.

Took my grandmother, and girlfriend, out for Chinese food.
It's grandmas favorite dinner, not really my thing, but its food.
A plow truck finally came down the road 5 minutes ago.
Maybe tomorrow I can get out of here without using 4x4, they don't plow often. Anyone who drives a low car, will not be leaving their yard, on a regular basis during our winters.
As far as I can tell, everyone on my road drives a truck, mostly Ford and Ram, a couple GMC.
Eating at Smokey Bones. They raised the price of beer so no beer for me lol. I wanted to try Heineken but not paying $6 a bottle for it. Today was hectic at work. So after this we will go relax by going to look at Christmas lights and get sodas. Beer tomorrow or the weekend lol.
Reading BITOG of course.

Wrapping up the work day, do like flex time, although making up for taking the afternoon off is... tiring. Did some Christmas shopping, still waiting on Amazon to deliver the last bits. One more day of work and then I think I'm off for the year. Maybe I'll use my time off to do car shopping, I need another one like a hole in the head, but there's no getting around how nice it would be to have N+1 once again.
Just got off work. Thank goodness this week is over. Time to crack open that tequila this weekend it’s much needed. I’m just ready for Christmas. Still have to get gifts for my parents. It’s unusual by this time that the Christmas tree has nothing under it but I haven’t had time to wrap anything nor has mom so we hope to do that this weekend. Tonight we plan to relax and drive around and look at Christmas lights like we do every Christmas.