What are you doing right now?

Probably Jay Leno or someone has done a bit where a typist and a texter squared off. They did one long ago with ham radio operators using Morse code vs. phone texting. Morse code won. Typing will also almost certainly win. Really, how is one faster using just two thumbs than someone using all 10 digits?
The keys don't get bigger. They just change their aspect from vertical squircles to horizontal squircles. The only advantage is that now I can type poorly with two thumbs or very awkwardly with two index fingers. 🥸

My wife said the same thing to me. I mean turn it sideways. Meh.

You guys can wait until I'm at a proper keyboard.


I just boiled my brine for my salmon which I will smoke and eat with relish.

It's chilling now.
Waitin' for homemade pizza. Not sure what we're doing after that. Probably watch more of that Wednesday show on Netflix. Might help the son with that "new" computer I got him (have to swap in an SSD and do a fresh windows install).

Really want to make a run for some red wine, I was going to start dry January early, but it's the weekend, and it's not January (yet).

Tried to get my amateur radio antenna back up, but put the rope over the wrong tree and the antenna gets stuck on nearby trees. Can't win.
Going in the casino now. I mentioned wanting to go so my parents are taking me lol. I’m kind of excited. Beer is extremely overpriced though so may have to skip it but I am looking forward to the whiskey bar. If anything it’s fun to just look around. I’ve always wanted to go to one. I just wish we were in Vegas lol.
We left the casino the quarter and penny machine are awesome but we only played about 10 minutes it was so loud we couldn’t hear each other and being around a bunch of drunks isn’t fun. No drinking for us too expensive. But I done something I never thought I’d do and that’s I called in a pizza for my dad because he wanted one but the website automatically selected delivery and I couldn’t figure out how to make it go to carry out. I was nervous but I overcame my fear because I have to be a grown up. Definitely prefer texting my heart was racing the whole time lol. They make you tell them your number and it has to be my number since I have the rewards. I just downloaded the Papa John’s app so hopefully it’s easier next time. That was a one and done deal I’ve now called someone with my 15 Pro lol. I make realistically 1 call a year. That was my second this year cause I called my grandma earlier in the year maybe third because I called Zee09 earlier this year too I think it was 2023 anyway lol. I normally would be a hard pass on Papa John’s but the Shaq-A-Roni is quite good even with their nasty sauce.

At the end of the day the call is done and over with and I got the pizza so who cares what they thought of me? Right?
Finishing cup number 2 of coffee, have to run out and take coffee to the wife, she left hers on the counter. Trying to decide if i want to go to church so i can carpool and then have my car fir the day, or lend my car out for the day, not sure i want to be stuck home again (but tbh i really don’t have anything to do).
Daughter gets the car for the day, I get a quiet house for the day. I can live with that.

Made sure to run into the transfer station on the way home. Free APC backup (I’m sure the battery is dead) and some old i3 laaptop. Once it starts raining I’ll dig into that, otherwise I think I will putter around in the yard. Pretty warm today, like 40f right now.
Finding useful things like this. Hope some pay attention.
I’m looking at my savings account. Still happy with the amount I have after purchasing the MacBook Pro a few weeks ago for $749 refurbished 2019 model in space gray. Now saving up for me and dad a smoker and me a iMac desktop computer. It’s nice having money to buy things I want. Both my credit cards are almost paid off and my credit score has gone up. My friend who also likes Apple says I shouldn’t buy the iMac but I disagree I can’t stand Windows computers we have to use them at work and it’s torture. I hate non Apple technology products.
I’m looking at my savings account. Still happy with the amount I have after purchasing the MacBook Pro a few weeks ago for $749 refurbished 2019 model in space gray. Now saving up for me and dad a smoker and me a iMac desktop computer. It’s nice having money to buy things I want. Both my credit cards are almost paid off and my credit score has gone up. My friend who also likes Apple says I shouldn’t buy the iMac but I disagree I can’t stand Windows computers we have to use them at work and it’s torture. I hate non Apple technology products.
Why? You have a new to you Apple computer already. What do you need an iMac for other than the fleeting pleasure of spending big money on something? What will it do for you the laptop won't other than increase your debt? You keep repeating constantly you hate typing on a proper keyboard so what's useful with an iMac? Read your book instead of searching for more spending opportunities.
Why? You have a new to you Apple computer already. What do you need an iMac for other than the fleeting pleasure of spending big money on something? What will it do for you the laptop won't other than increase your debt? You keep repeating constantly you hate typing on a proper keyboard so what's useful with an iMac? Read your book instead of searching for more spending opportunities.
I think having a desktop is important. And the Mac is supposed to be good for photo editing and video editing which I do a lot of now that I’ve figured out how to do it. Like I said won’t be going into debt with it. Didn’t go into debt with the phone or laptop so no reason to spend like $4k on a credit card for a iMac. I’m trying to get as many Apple products as possible. Hate the company but love the products so it’s a win for me at least. Maybe I need to read the book again. But I love being able to buy stuff. And Apple will always have the value should I resell it.