VOA of UltraLub 75w90 GL4 - Fram/Polaris/Horizon

Mar 20, 2008
I've been curious about this oil ever since I found it on Amazon, and it seems to be shipped direct from the manufacturer (it's a marketplace seller and not FBA). That is by far the lowest price on a synthetic GL4 75w90. After finding out that most 75w90 gear oil sold in stores is ill-suited to manual transmission use, and all other manual transmission-suitable GL4 75w90 gear oils I could find are $20 or more, this made me wonder about the Ultralub. Difficulty finding a good MTF in 75w90 made me afraid to buy a non-Honda manual (Hondas can use motor oil)

Ultralub appears to be a company from Venezuela, with their US headquarters in Florida and manufacturing in Texas. Their site is light on information, and their parent company also doesn't have much information on it

So I had a VOA done to determine whether it qualifies for inclusion on MolaKule's list of MTF GL4. Fram oil analysis SP9106A. Fram uses Polaris/Horizon. They apparently have never heard of this stuff and asked me to email them more information about it! I sent them a link to the Amazon listing and ultralub's site

The viscosity is correct for a 75w90 (12.8 to 14.5 cSt). However It looks nearly devoid of AW/EP additives.

Here is a UOA of Honda MTF, notice the Calcium/Zinc/Phos.


I don't think I personally would want to use this oil. Is there something I'm missing?
@Danr42 that Honda MTF is really thin! Honda is more unique than other companies in their transmissions and the fluids they require. Honda says to use motor oil if you can't find Honda MTF

And Honda's ATF has so much zinc it could be toxic to non-Honda transmissions

How does the Ultra Lub compare to a non-Honda 75w90 GL4?

If this stuff is worthless and not good for a manual transmission, it's still worth it for the learning and education I got from it

here is a virgin an UOA from another user. This is a GL4 MTL oil with significantly more AW/EP additives. Granted Redline might be on the heavy side on additives.
Im curious, is this what the VOA was on that showed no additives?
Yeah, seems that but it yes has additives, simply it's different additive package to Honda. Honda is based in classic ZDDP AW GL4 and UltraLub has multi-purpose phosphorus, other example are Motul, Amsoil, Neste/Valvoline etc.
Just remember that a VOA doesn’t tell you the applicability. The bare minimum is expect for a gear oil of unknown lineage would be to have it listed on the official MIL-2105-D list. Anything less for a questionable lube gets a “heck no” from me.