Visiting home nurses

Oct 10, 2021
Anyone else have them come to your home? In my part of Iowa, we have Angels Care Home Health. Had one come today and help me shower again. She did the same last week. Nice gal. Her family also has a funny car and do quite well racing, so we talk about that. if anyone is interested.

I was in the hospital and nursing home prior for a couple months. Now I have at least two nurses come per week. They are a God send! They provide physical therapy and general health care. Help with minor chores also. I could not make it without the nurses coming to help.
Yes my dad passed away well over 10 years ago and a nurse came to the home to help him in my parents home. He had alzheimers. There is a special place in heaven for these nurses. My mom passed away last week in a hospice center and received great care as well. Glad they are taking care on you JD and may God bless you.
Yes! They are angels in my opinion. A couple came to my house after my knee replacement. One discovered a cellulitis infection and reported it. Another one was there to provide home physical therapy. No baths though. :cry:
Yes! They are angels in my opinion. A couple came to my house after my knee replacement. One discovered a cellulitis infection and reported it. Another one was there to provide home physical therapy. No baths though. :cry:
Try asking for help with a bath maybe? She comes every week to help me.

I like showing off anyway!;)
My mom has one who comes weekly to take vitals and general health checks as part of VA spouse benefits. She is still mobile but half blind, maintains 20 acres and a ranch with a horse. Not bad for an 85 year old. She has had this service for about 3 years since she had a "eye stroke" which caused the half blindness. Its still very much a hassle to be "re-certified" every 3-6 months.
Anyone else have them come to your home? In my part of Iowa, we have Angels Care Home Health. Had one come today and help me shower again. She did the same last week. Nice gal. Her family also has a funny car and do quite well racing, so we talk about that. if anyone is interested.

I was in the hospital and nursing home prior for a couple months. Now I have at least two nurses come per week. They are a God send! They provide physical therapy and general health care. Help with minor chores also. I could not make it without the nurses coming to help.

I’m very, very, very glad you have had a very experience.

Be mindful though and be vigilant… There are people who will steal from you without hesitation.

I know this to be true. I have seen this happen in a home setting and even within a facility.
My father in law started having a visiting nurse come by in July. A nurse comes by about twice a week. She has been a real help. The nurse that comes by is wonderful! I hope I am as lucky when my time for needing a visiting nurse comes. They are truly very special people.
Towards the end, my parents had a nurse come and do checkups and catheter changes on my father at home instead of bringing him out to the doctor. His mind was just not up to it with the late stage Alzheimer's.

He was on palliative care. That was explained to us as nurses would be in and out a lot to help my mother take care of him, let her have time to do her own thing, etc. But that didn't seem to be the case.

The nurses that did come were always very nice to both of them. In fact, when my father passed, my mother got sympathy cards from all of them.