Valvoline R&P - Engine Builder Mag

At the price of new cars and the added cost to insure a new expensive car, I'm going to keep my current cars until I'm dead or they get totaled by some bonehead on the road. So why not take good care of them?
I'm more worried about the deer I encounter blasted 3 of them 2 times in the shop and one close to totaled out
At the price of new cars and the added cost to insure a new expensive car, I'm going to keep my current cars until I'm dead or they get totaled by some bonehead on the road. So why not take good care of them?

Now that I’m retired I don’t want to have a car payment and since both of my cars are paid off I want to keep them as long as possible. The Corvette for sure will never be sold, and the Civic will hopefully last me another 15 years before it gets to the point where it’s not worth putting money into. But that being said, I do think rust will take it before the engine wears out.
At the price of new cars and the added cost to insure a new expensive car, I'm going to keep my current cars until I'm dead or they get totaled by some bonehead on the road. So why not take good care of them?

Great day… Ain’t that the truth…. ^^^^^^
Already meets GF-7 too. But yea, if you're using a top-quality oil at a reasonable OCI your rings will likely stay clean. Still it's an interesting product and new technology.
Not necessarily true. More modern engines are using oil that didn’t in the past. Trying to squeeze the last foot out of a gallon of fuel, they have made the engines looser. All of a sudden Toyotas start using oil probably due to low tension rings that allow oil to get by them. Then you have carbon buildup which makes it worse.
This could be a very timely product.