Those other people you see buying oil at walmart

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May 18, 2009
Sarasota, FL
Everytime I go to walmart to pickup some oil (not that often.. usually go to Autozone for GC) ..I always see some other dude buying oil, usually they have "Guy harvey" t-shirt, or they're wearing a fishing shirt for no reason, or the latest.. a John Deere shirt.

I feel sorry for their cars... and this is why I don't buy used cars unless I know the owner and how was it mantained.

The latest one picked up a jug of PYB 10w40, some STP oil treatment, and an orange FRAM filter. I would not that car with a 10-inch pole.
it does make buying any used car a scary experience. of course, his combination of goods is better then what happened to some friends of mine last summer: they bought an 05 or 06 Ford Focus for their son. 40k miles. I begged them to let me inspect the car first. nope. son was in town and needed to head back outa state for school. they bought the car from a dealer on a Saturday. it was 99 point certified inspected by the dealer. yeah right. anyway, on his way back to school the motor seizes. long story short: the first owner NEVER changed the oil - a rusted OEM Ford filter was in place on the motor. and of course, the dealer blamed them: shoulda seen the oil light, etc.
I hate buying oil at Walmart.

There's always some nosy guy standing there giving me the ol' look over. It's almost enough to make me stop wearing my fancy "goin' to wally world" JD shirt.
I enjoy it when the shop guys at Wal-Mart are coming into the oil dept. to grab a filter and they ask me if they can help while I am looking at the oil. I always say "no thanks" as I am thinking about all the stories of what goes on in their shop.

They are nice to ask though.

I always want to tell them about BITOG but I don't.
I have never seen anyone else in the oil aisle while I have been at Wal-Mart. It's usually a ghost town in the automotive section. Weird.
Originally Posted By: Samilcar
I hate buying oil at Walmart.

There's always some nosy guy standing there giving me the ol' look over. It's almost enough to make me stop wearing my fancy "goin' to wally world" JD shirt.

that's great!!!!! I love it! actually, I've never even seen anyone buy oil at "my" walmart - kinda makes ya wonder about their cars...
I was just at Wal-Mart today picking up PP getting ready to do the $15 rebate. On the way picked up a Pro Select. Saw a skinny crusty old guy with a 5 qt jug of PP in his hand. Which seemed completely out of place to me.

Another guy with a 5qt jug of YB. I'm am shocked that the 2 people I saw buying oil at Walmart didn't buy Supertech. There was plenty of it on the shelves. Neither one had any kind of engine treatment oil.

I only noticed them because they walked in front of me. I could care less what kind of junk people put into their cars.
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The oil aisle is pretty empty in my store also. It's great...while the wife and kids are in that noisy toy section, I can go hide in the oil section and crack open boxes of filters to compare construction. The security cameras are probably on me as soon as I break the plane of the front doors.
Originally Posted By: MrWideTires
Everytime I go to walmart to pickup some oil (not that often.. usually go to Autozone for GC) ..I always see some other dude buying oil,

A couple of weeks ago I was in WalMart at the oil section and I watched gorgeous long legged blond female go right to the oil section. I watched her push her cart right over to the Pennzoil YB section and load up five quarts of 5W-20. She was HOT! I could just imagine her underneath a vehicle, dropping the drain plug and then erotically reaching for the oil filter wrench and her taking off the old oil filter!

I was just about ready to ask for her phone number or see if we couldn't change oil together and......I saw her load up a Fram oil filter. I walked away from her as I knew we were incompatible.

Hey. A guy has got to have some standards. I knew I could never take this woman home to meet my family.
Originally Posted By: Samilcar
I hate buying oil at Walmart.

There's always some nosy guy standing there giving me the ol' look over. It's almost enough to make me stop wearing my fancy "goin' to wally world" JD shirt.

Yes, but did you know he was on BITOG.
I don't check out what other guys @ WM are doing. 8)

Well, the most recent time I was at WM looking for 2 cycle oil (which they didn't have) an attractive 50ish woman appeared to be perplexed, peering down at a business card and then up at the shelves.

Then came the line every BITOG'r dreams of:"Do you know anything about oil?"

Seems she was looking for syn top off oil for her 9x Lexus or Infinity and she had all the requirements written down ISLAC GFx, SH, etc. The aisle she was on only had ST oil, but I mentioned the shelves on the other side were packed with syn oils.

After about 5 minutes of chatting I had her off with a jug of M1 5W-30 and a funnel lest she "pour the oil all over the top of the engine" She remarked it appeared to be her lucky day and that the funnel "was a good idea"
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I've never seen anyone purchase SuperTech oil.
I HATE the LCD oil filter selector at Walmart.
I did see a used wiper blade in a package at walmart. someone actually had the nerve to return a used wiper blade!?!?!??
I've never seen a female in the oil sectionm at walmart. sniffle sniffle. let alone a Lexus in the parking lot.
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Originally Posted By: CharlieJ
I have never seen anyone else in the oil aisle while I have been at Wal-Mart. It's usually a ghost town in the automotive section. Weird.

thats because their all old farts down their in FL,and go to the dealer for oil changes.......
A few weeks ago I was at Walmart in the oil isle doing my thing when these 2 very attractive 20-something girls wonder down the isle. One has a full cart and the other is trying to pick out oil. First time I ever saw that happen. I asked if they needed help and the one picking out oil said her husband had asked her to pick up some Pennzoil but she couldn't remember the numbers. I instantly pictured her husband sitting at home watching a movie or playing xbox. This thought made me laugh right away. She then gave me a dirty look and started texting someone on her cell phone (probably her husband to ask for the numbers). Her friend was smiling at me the whole time and said thanks for trying to help. Adventures at Walmart...
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
I don't check out what other guys @ WM are doing. 8)

Well, the most recent time I was at WM looking for 2 cycle oil (which they didn't have) an attractive 50ish woman appeared to be perplexed, peering down at a business card and then up at the shelves.

Then came the line every BITOG'r dreams of:"Do you know anything about oil?"

Seems she was looking for syn top off oil for her 9x Lexus or Infinity and she had all the requirements written down ISLAC GFx, SH, etc. The aisle she was on only had ST oil, but I mentioned the shelves on the other side were packed with syn oils.

After about 5 minutes of chatting I had her off with a jug of M1 5W-30 and a funnel lest she "pour the oil all over the top of the engine" She remarked it appeared to be her lucky day and that the funnel "was a good idea"

If you got her number, send it to me!
I'd had to help out people with oil at Wally-World - including a 17 year old who worked there and he had a 350Z. Of course I told him to use PP or SynPower.

And yes, I actually got a used wiper blade once there. I never buy blades at Wal-Mart, for that I have Kragen/O'Reilly.
I had a middle aged lady ask me about oil in W-M a couple of years ago. I showed her the Accel ND oil, and said "Use anything except this". She picked up some Havoline 10w40.
I can't tell if the other oil shoppers are cluelesss or BITOGERs.

One group would look at all the bottles before deciding, and the other would too. Both would have an overwhelmed look on their face.

We have come full circle.
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