I recently bought a 2022 Camaro with the LT1 engine. You would think finding the correct oil for this would be simple, but I'm finding that it's anything but that, and hoping you can point me in the right direction with understanding some things.
Typical answer of "what oil do I run" would be "check your owner's manual."
OK let's check out page 316 and see what it says. We know we require "dexos2-approved" oil, and we can find the listing of approved oils at www.gmdexos.com.
The oil cap on my car says to run dexos2 0W-40. (Not going to get into the argument people have about what viscosity to run for different scenarios, this is daily driver).
Let's go to https://www.gmdexos.com/brands/dexos2/index.html and see what is on the list:
I have learned that "Mobil 1 ESP" is now called "Mobil 1 Supercar" and is rated dexosR (dexosR is apparently what the 2023 model year is calling for in the manual). This oil has the orange sticker.
The oil in question for this post is the Mobil 1 ESP x3. I have found this oil through AutoZone for $6.21/quart (was $5.xx last month) using their bundle w/ oil filter. (Return oil filter after).
I purchased a bunch of this oil because it was the correct viscosity, dexos2, and listed on the GM dexos2-approved website.
I am seeing a bunch of "social media parrots/sheep" I'll call them claiming it's the wrong oil, it's going to ruin my engine, I don't know how to read, it's a European formula, and a bunch of other comments. When I said "OK. I'm listening, here's what I've found, show me where/why I'm wrong" all I get back is "your car dude" or "we've already been through this" or "LOL good luck w/ yer warranty bro", but nobody can provide me any information WHY this oil is supposedly incorrect.
One comment that struck me was "It says 'European Car Formula right on the ESPx3 bottle! This is North America, you have a North American car!'"
Isn't dexos2 also used in a bunch of European-based cars?
(Not to be confused with the "European Car Formula" in the black-labeled bottle here):
The whole thing is just extremely confusing, and, not made any better by Mobil1 and all their slightly-differing offerings of very similar oils, at least to the untrained eye.
Would love if anyone could help me make heads-or-tails of any of this. Not looking for the "Just buy the Supercar" answer either...I am looking to understand the "why" of it all.
Typical answer of "what oil do I run" would be "check your owner's manual."
OK let's check out page 316 and see what it says. We know we require "dexos2-approved" oil, and we can find the listing of approved oils at www.gmdexos.com.
The oil cap on my car says to run dexos2 0W-40. (Not going to get into the argument people have about what viscosity to run for different scenarios, this is daily driver).
Let's go to https://www.gmdexos.com/brands/dexos2/index.html and see what is on the list:
I have learned that "Mobil 1 ESP" is now called "Mobil 1 Supercar" and is rated dexosR (dexosR is apparently what the 2023 model year is calling for in the manual). This oil has the orange sticker.
The oil in question for this post is the Mobil 1 ESP x3. I have found this oil through AutoZone for $6.21/quart (was $5.xx last month) using their bundle w/ oil filter. (Return oil filter after).
I purchased a bunch of this oil because it was the correct viscosity, dexos2, and listed on the GM dexos2-approved website.
I am seeing a bunch of "social media parrots/sheep" I'll call them claiming it's the wrong oil, it's going to ruin my engine, I don't know how to read, it's a European formula, and a bunch of other comments. When I said "OK. I'm listening, here's what I've found, show me where/why I'm wrong" all I get back is "your car dude" or "we've already been through this" or "LOL good luck w/ yer warranty bro", but nobody can provide me any information WHY this oil is supposedly incorrect.
One comment that struck me was "It says 'European Car Formula right on the ESPx3 bottle! This is North America, you have a North American car!'"
Isn't dexos2 also used in a bunch of European-based cars?
GM dexos2

(Not to be confused with the "European Car Formula" in the black-labeled bottle here):
The whole thing is just extremely confusing, and, not made any better by Mobil1 and all their slightly-differing offerings of very similar oils, at least to the untrained eye.
Would love if anyone could help me make heads-or-tails of any of this. Not looking for the "Just buy the Supercar" answer either...I am looking to understand the "why" of it all.