things learned from switching to amsoil

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Jul 12, 2007
Easton, PA
after stumbling upon BITOG, I went full bore into being a amsoil disciple (as you know this tends to annoy friends and spouses). anyway, my '96 mazda MPV loves it, my '04 saturn VUE 4cyl loves it (though amsoil doesn't make a filter for the ecotec, yet)and I converted a friends saturn SW2, a T&C minivan, '00 nissan P/U, crown vic, and my brother's '95 nissan P/U 3.0 (the reason for this post)
my brother has 225K on his truck. was doing frequent 3K OCIs. I convinced him to go to amsoil, partly to save money w/ a longer OCI. well, after a few K, he started getting really loud valvetrain noise, so of course, it must be the oil, right? he goes and (w/o telling me) dumps the amsoil, refills w/ reg oil and some lucas or someother additive [censored], and it runs quiet! imagine that! mpgs also went from 21 to 15! now he goes, whoops! maybe my little brother was right!
he admits that the truck ran better w/ the amsoil, and mpgs were WAY better, but the ticking was REAL loud, and loud must be bad, right? of course, I was concerned too, as I would hope that amsoil didn't cause this, and hoping all the urban legend scare stories about synthetic weren't true. I sent an email to amsoil and they say that the amsoil loosened up some [censored] and all we needed to do was change the filter. haven't been able yet to see that, but we'll see how it goes once he gets the amsoil back in there (btw, we did an engine flush as per amsoil rec before the switch).
anyway, things learned: when you convince someone to switch, and IF something goes wrong after, it's all YOUR fault.
Did he use the same viscosity when switching to Amsoil?

Possibly the same thing that happens with some Auto-RX users getting valvetrain noise. Internals are cleaned, and oil is allowed to lubricate it for the first time in a long time.

On the next change, do another flush, except modify the instructions. Add the flush, allow to idle for 5 minutes, so the engine can warm up, then adjust the idle to 2,000-2,500 RPMs for the next 20 minutes.
mpvue, you are correct, it's always YOUR fault. 100K from now, when the rear axle cracks, he'll blame it on YOU and the Amsoil. If you were running Pennzoil, he'd say something to the effect that "Pennzoil must have sludged the engine up!".

Take pride in knowing you did the right thing.

I was the same way when I became a dealer. So far, I have switched my neighbor over as well as the GF and a few co-workers. For the co-workers, I even changed it for them. The most noticeable change was the lady who had a 5 speed Cobalt. She really felt the difference when she rev'd it.

I have changed 3 Cobalts already. Did one last weekend and just driving the car back to her, it picked up .2 MPG. Can't complain about that. She previously had Pennzoil bulk in there with a FRAM filter. I changed her to the XL with a Wix filter.

I just can't wait to change my Grand Prix to their synthetic ATF and the brake fluid when that comes out.
Originally Posted By: mpvue
after stumbling upon BITOG, I went full bore into being a amsoil disciple (as you know this tends to annoy friends and spouses). anyway, my '96 mazda MPV loves it, my '04 saturn VUE 4cyl loves it (though amsoil doesn't make a filter for the ecotec, yet)and I converted a friends saturn SW2, a T&C minivan, '00 nissan P/U, crown vic, and my brother's '95 nissan P/U 3.0 (the reason for this post)
my brother has 225K on his truck. was doing frequent 3K OCIs. I convinced him to go to amsoil, partly to save money w/ a longer OCI. well, after a few K, he started getting really loud valvetrain noise, so of course, it must be the oil, right? he goes and (w/o telling me) dumps the amsoil, refills w/ reg oil and some lucas or someother additive [censored], and it runs quiet! imagine that! mpgs also went from 21 to 15! now he goes, whoops! maybe my little brother was right!
he admits that the truck ran better w/ the amsoil, and mpgs were WAY better, but the ticking was REAL loud, and loud must be bad, right? of course, I was concerned too, as I would hope that amsoil didn't cause this, and hoping all the urban legend scare stories about synthetic weren't true. I sent an email to amsoil and they say that the amsoil loosened up some [censored] and all we needed to do was change the filter. haven't been able yet to see that, but we'll see how it goes once he gets the amsoil back in there (btw, we did an engine flush as per amsoil rec before the switch).
anyway, things learned: when you convince someone to switch, and IF something goes wrong after, it's all YOUR fault.

No matter what brand name synthetic was used, the same probably occurs. It's the syndrome often associated with switching to synthetic in older, dirty engines. Any synthetic would of stirred things up inside those old engines.... some synthetics more than others.
The main thing I've learned is that I sure don't want to go back to changing my oil more often than once a year.

I used to really enjoy changing oil, now it's a chore I'm happy to avoid. I know in my situation I'm not saving a nickel using Amsoil but the convenience factor is worth it to me.
Originally Posted By: ConfederateTyrant

Possibly the same thing that happens with some Auto-RX users getting valvetrain noise. Internals are cleaned, and oil is allowed to lubricate it for the first time in a long time.

That never made any sense to me but its said all the time in the ARX threads. The logic is faulty : an under-lubricated moving part is nice and quiet, but when it starts to get proper lubrication (because of the effects of ARX), it now gets noisy. Yea. Sure! Honestly, I have no idea what causes mechanical noise levels to increase sometimes when ARX or any other cleaner is applied, but it sure isn't improved lubrication.

And if someone posts that they added ARX (or anything) and a persistent tick went away and the engine is now much smoother and quieter, then the logic is reversed to suit that situation and the improvement is now due to better lubrication. That at least is believable and logical.

BTW, I'm not criticizing ARX at all, just some of the illogical statements I see in the associated threads. I've used quite a bit of ARX myself and I currently have 4 bottles on-hand.
what if you have been using amsoil series 2000 0w-30 for 30k miles with no problems and a quiet valvetrain, then when you put in the new SSO you get valvetrain noise. what would cause this?

S2000 with EAO filters at 4-6000 oci = no noise
SSO with Eao filter = valve ticking

SRT4 2.4l turbo 4 cyl. 36k miles
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Hooligan, I really don't know. The viscosities of those 2 oils are very similar so apparently that's not it. The base oil blend and /or the additive packages are different so I guess it has to be one or both of those things. I don't understand how that can cause an immediate increase in mechanical sound, but apparently it does.
I get the range of comments on noise from folks that switch...sometimes it's hard to figure out. Some people say their engines are always more quiet when they first change oils. Others say their engines are quieter when the use an oil on the higher viscosity side. I take this type of thing as human input, for example, same exact car, near to the same mileage, same exact oil and car is noisier than the other. Was it the way the car was broken in? Natural wear is higher in one than the other? Previous oils used? I will say oil that flows better when cold is sometimes perceived as noisier when the temperature is ramping up in. This could be said to be a viscosity issue. Some people say high Mo oils are quiet, yet others say Redline didn't quiet the engine.

Sometimes it just takes a bit of trial and error if you are going for an oil that seems to quiet things a bit. My 855 is the quietest it has every been with the SSO 0W-30. Even more quiet than the AME 15W-40, or the ACD SAE 30, so go figure!
What viscosity of Amsoil did you have your brother use in his truck?

What viscosity did he previously have before switching to Amsoil?
The logic is faulty : an under-lubricated moving part is nice and quiet, but when it starts to get proper lubrication (because of the effects of ARX), it now gets noisy. Yea. Sure! Honestly, I have no idea what causes mechanical noise levels to increase sometimes when ARX or any other cleaner is applied, but it sure isn't improved lubrication.

Well, a draining lifter that was plugged enough to control lash that now can't retain the oil flow will start to tick. When the suppling passage opens up more ..or other lifters on the same line, even out their flow retention/throughput capacity, the noises will subside. Not too much reasoning there some things in a valve train are sucking hind teet. If another that's closer to the main vein gets opened sooner ...the little piggie on the end is going to squeal.
Gary, as usual, can bring some humor to the facts. LOL. I would have not switched this engine to synthetic due to risk of leaks, etc. I would have at least tried a lower TBN synthetic or blend for one or 2 oil change intervals, first. Some blends would be Maxlife or Schaeffers. Maybe run some Pennz Pt of Valv Synpower, first. A flush is a good idea to get some things loosened up, but then a full ARX sycle would be even better, afterwards. Ask Pablo- he recommends a run of ARX for cars with high mileage first, then switch to Amsoil, IIRC. And then be prepared that if anything goes slightly haywire, you and your oil WILL still be at fault.
Well Gary, the lifter/valve-lash adjuster scenario is certainly one possibility I hadn't thought of.

Getting back to the original "Subject Line", the one thing that I've learned from switching to Amsoil (2 runs w/TSO) is that I got the absolute lowest oxidation and nitration numbers compared to any other oil I've used, and super low wear numbers. TSO also showed the absolute highest consumption rate of any oil I've ever used, which I don't understand. Run #3 of TSO is about to start within the next week (it's my winter oil).
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
What viscosity of Amsoil did you have your brother use in his truck?

What viscosity did he previously have before switching to Amsoil?

sorry I didn't get back soon, winter break and all...
we used 5W30 as recommended, using the middle amsoil ( I forget what they call it, not the XL and not the signature, the one in between). I forget if I mentioned it before, but my brother alway noticed an increase in noise always just before the 3K change, then w/ new fill, the noise would go away. now w/ the amsoil, it seems the the noise came back right on schedule, but much louder. so I tend to think that the loose 225K lifters are moving around a lot freer.
this truck is really starting to show its age. he had a problem w/ the MAF sensor this past week, and things are just generally showing lots of wear. he's enjoying not having a car payment, so I think he's prone to keep it running. I'll update after a while, thanks for all the comments.
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