Switched from T-Mobile to US Mobile

Well I finally took the plunge… T-Mobile did in fact add $10/month to my plan and I refuse to use a company that promised me “we’ll never raise your rate!”
yeah gotta love 2024 the year the “un carrier” became like the others.
1st telling me they will no longer accept auto pay from my credit card and if I don’t give them my debit card my rate will go up $5 a month, then if not enough months later raising my rate that $10

Bye bye and back to MVNOs which I’ve used for over 12 years before them 2 years ago.
BTW US Mobile with Verizon has been working fine since switching over 5 weeks ago. I like having the option to switch networks right from my US Mobile web portal should I want too
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yeah gotta love 2024 the year the “un carrier” became like the others.
1st telling me they will no longer accept auto pay from my credit card and if I don’t give them my debit card my rate will go up $5 a month, then if not enough months later raising my rate that $10

Bye bye and back to MVNOs which I’ve used for over 12 years before them 2 years ago.
BTW US Mobile with Verizon has been working fine since switching over 5 weeks ago. I like having the option to switch networks right from my US Mobile web portal should I want too
So far it’s great, I have USABLE service at church now! Even in the basement!!

T-Mobile better honor their “un carrier” commitment to pay my last months service on account of them raising the rate or I will go scorched earth.
I’d like to save some money, but we pay $89/month for two lines with T-Mobile, including discounted Netflix (basically half off). I can’t imagine the prepaid savings being worth it.

To be fair, I’m on an oldish Military Magenta 1.0 plan. I hope it stays the same for a while to come. Our phones are 2.5 years old, so we should be good to go for a while.