Stock Up On Incandescent Light Bulbs

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Jul 30, 2009
In Fact, Buy a Lifetime Supply of Them!
By J. Speer-Williams


Our government's "Green Revolution" is another covert attack on our collective health and environment, largely using their mythical global warming hoax to do so.

The new Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs are a perfect example of this kind of subterfuge. While claiming these new CFL bulbs will reduce carbon emissions, "our" Congress passed legislation stating these new light bulbs must completely replace our everyday incandescent light bulbs by 2014, without telling us of the serious dangers to health and environment, that these mandated bulbs pose.

CFLs are loaded with deadly mercury, one of the most toxic elements on Earth. In fact, all CFL bulbs contain - at least - five milligrams of mercury, about 200 times the amount of mercury in a flu vaccine shot. There is enough mercury in each CFL bulb to contaminate 6,000 gallons of clean water. To break one of these CFL bulbs is to risk ruining the health, or ending the lives, of one's entire family, or office staff, with enough released atmospheric mercury to best require the expensive, professional services of a Haz/Mat Removal Team.

All Americans will be well advised to practice a "mercury escape plan" in the case of an accidental breakage of one of these CFL bulbs: Grab your cell phone, babies, dogs, cats, and parakeets (if they aren't already dead), and get well away from your house. Call a Haz/Mat company to completely clean your house before re-entering it; or better yet, relocate your family. Such are the serious dangers of mercury.

And our environment? This is where mercury laden CFL bulbs do their most serious damage to everyone of us - in the environment. The same environment that our hordes of "Greenies" are so concerned about dying from global warming. But unknown to our greenie friends, already there are hundreds of millions of disposed CFL bulbs that have contaminated personal garbage cans, fleets of garbage trucks (spreading their toxicity near and far), and garbage disposal sites, that are doing irreparable damage to our ground water, except when such garbage is burnt; then, mercury is released into the very air we all breathe.

With over 100 million American households, and tens of millions of other lighted facilities, all over our country, and with each of them disposing of even just one CFL bulb a month ... can anyone imagine how much mercury will poison our disposal dumps, our ground water, our air, our lungs, and our entire bodies. If one did not know better, mercury is the perfect bio/weapon for genocidal madmen: The poison is in dental amalgams, vaccines, light bulbs, and who knows what else.

Are our lawmakers simply without a shred of common horse sense, or are they driven by a sinister power, intent on not only destroying our environment, but our very lives.

In any case, something inhuman drove our CFL horror, and is driving the "Green Revolution," and its off-shoots of global warming, and the entire climate change circus of death.

J. Speer-Williams
This is the coldest winter in many years.......where is Al Gore...calling Al Gore...has anybody seen Al Gore.
another point .most of these new bulbs are made in china.chances are when our legislative bodies do something it will be stupid.based on bad science,monetary influence or just outright contempt or disdain for the average joe.
Originally Posted By: pbm
This is the coldest winter in many years.......where is Al Gore...calling Al Gore...has anybody seen Al Gore.

He's in his non-polluting jet plane for the day.
Originally Posted By: Lurch
In fact, all CFL bulbs contain - at least - five milligrams of mercury, about 200 times the amount of mercury in a flu vaccine shot.

Wrong. The EIGHT FOOT T12 fluorescent tubes in my shop, which are quite old technology, use about 6mg of mercury. The 4 foot T8 tubes I'm replacing them with have 1.7mg of mercury. Shorter/lower wattage CFL lights have even less mercury, and the newer they get, the less they have.

It is somewhat of an environmental concern but old fluorescent technology is WAY more dangerous and environmentally unfriendly than anything they're producing today. (and for that reason the state is paying to retrofit my entire shop with newer model fluorescents)

The only thing I think incandescents are any good for is the lamp beside my bed and for shooting out with my .22. (or plugging in as many as I can find when it gets cold for cheap heaters)
Originally Posted By: urrlord
another point .most of these new bulbs are made in china.chances are when our legislative bodies do something it will be stupid.based on bad science,monetary influence or just outright contempt or disdain for the average joe.

I've noticed that too; I've been buying US-made "regular" bulbs for years but all the CFLs I've seen are made in China.
We switched all our lights over to CFL bulbs a couple years ago. Never broke one of them yet. I might be switching to LED bulbs when they come down in price more.
They say LED bulbs are a much safer alternative than CFL and are very efficient.
Sounds like a scare tactic article. That author probably still uses candles and whale oil lanterns.
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