Sometimes WallyWorld is Ok..

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"Sometimes WallyWorld is Ok..". Yeah, like at 3 in the morning when nobody is there and the store has been cleaned and re-stocked. Any other time....a total zoo.

Being trapped between the well-known rock and the dreaded hard place is no choice at all.

It's for the best. Really. Just ask the Waltons. Suffering lifelong bouts of quiet desperation builds character ......fills prisons..ghettos..projects...soup lines ...homeless shelters. Hey! Wait a minute!
I still wonder if Walmart gets lower quality items sometimes from a manufacturer.

I get Old El Paso taco shells at Walmart as a desperation dinner which cost $1.00/box. They cost $2.00+ at every other grocery store. Every time we heat up the Walmart ones they are brittle and break easily. The ones elsewhere for $2/box hold together perfectly fine.
For awhile they use to have a fair amount of made in the US products, but that seems to have changed. I sometimes get oil and a few odd products that I can't find elsewhere, not much else.

The employees are free to get another job if they don't like how Walmart treats them.At the local Walmarts the employees seem to like working for Walmart

Yea, they like working there.
Thats even funnier than the "Walmart openning stores in china" post.

You know that feeling when your talking to someone and they say "Global Warming, thats not real".

Now let me get this right, you are trying to say the same manufactor makes two products, one they sell to Walmart the other to Mom/Pop stores. You need to go outside and watch for the Black helicopters. They buy bulk, same Distribution center ships to every store, whether it be Walmart, Sears , Target ,etc.. When those products are made, casted,molded whatever, they all go through the same standards of quality control. Walmart has become so large it can bully its suppliers to get better deals or threaten them to replace them with another supplier that would kill to get a Walmart contract, that of which they pass on to you which you now condemning them on getting.

Ahh, yes. My favorite subject. Please pay very close attention to the next two articles (and read the entire articles).

Note Levis in this one:

And Snapper in this one:

Cheaper prices. Cheaper quality from WalMart.

(P.S. I pilot the black helicopters)
Old news. Sears does the same thing. A few years ago, sears squeezed too hard and their power tool manufacturer told them to take a hike. They are still in business and have an exclusive contract with Home Depot making the Regid brand.
i love walmart!
i went to a mom and pop bicycle shop to buy a odometer/trip computer for my bike. they has a schwinn unit there for $45. cheapest one they had. i went to walmart and found the exact same model (same part number too) for $13.

i look at it like this. these mom and pop shops are pricing themselves out of existence. theres no reason to have 3 times the markup for a stupid bicycle computer. its their own fault and i punish them.
I do not like Wal-Mart. I do however like Target. A Target is being built within 3 miles of our house (Wal-Mart is 10+ miles).

A Super Target was built right across from a Super Wal-Mart at work. The Super Target has ALL cashiers active - standing in front of their lanes ready to help. The Super-Walmart has 1-2 active cashiers out of the 20 possible.

I'll take Target any day. Oh and they don't check your receipt out the door. lol.
Target has better quality stuff in my experience.

As for mom-and-pop stores, I go there to get advice and good service. Generally, the products' quality matches. I go to WalMart expecting near total ignorance from the employees and have no motivation other than 'cheaping out'. The more I read about WalMart, the less I want to do with them.
The reality is this: If Walmart didn't do what they are doing another company would do it and you would hate them instead of Walmart.

Walmart is more efficient and a low cost operator in their industry. You see this developmental progression in nearly every mature industry. Show me one industry that hasn't developed over time into 3-4 major companies that dominate and control the majority of production/distribution in their industry.

It's just simple economics. Walmart is a distribution company with a retail component. What did they do over time to become so big and so successful? Why are they so price competitive?

1.Develop the most efficient system for handling products through a distribution system- this translates into lower operating costs. In the case of Walmart we are talking about an extremely complex and state of the art computerized warehousing, truck loading and inventory management/ordering system. 2.Remove as much waste and inefficiency in the operations of the company translates into lower operating costs. 3. Source products as inexpensively as possible. This translates into lower operating costs.

Everything they do is geared towards efficiency and cost cutting so of course they are going to be very competitive price wise.

For a large number of consumers price is their number one buying criteria. You may not be one of them, but a huge segment of the US population is. If a consumer has very limited income because they have a low paying job and they are just scraping by economically, where are they going to go to buy their goods? They are going to look for a low cost supplier. This isn't complicated.

I'm not defending Walmart, I'm giving an explanation of why Walmart is so successful at what they do.

Not every company will appeal to every buyer, hence the large number of people here on BITOG who dislike Walmart and say that they refuse to shop there. I assure you that they are in the minority.

I don't defend walmart's employment practices and treatment of their employees, but just like any other company out there they are trying to keep costs down. How many companies push to the edge and try to get away with doing whatever they can to cut costs? Other companies treat their employees like ---- too. Lots of them. Most companies I have ever worked for treated me like ---- and tried to scam me any way they could. That seems to be the American way of doing business. So lets not get the idea that Walmart is the only company out there treating their emploees bad, it's the norm in this country sadly IMO.

Now look at the American auto companies compared to the Japanese manufacturers. People bash the US companies and point their fingers at the poor management, the inefficiency etc. So if the US auto companies did what Walmart did US workers would get a dramatic pay cut and benefits cuts(huge cost of production) so the US auto companies could be competitive with the Japanese companies or all the US production facilities would simply be closed and production would go off shore where production costs are MUCH lower and government reulations are much less intrusive. People would bash the US auto companies and say they were horrible companies and heartless to their workers. Can you see where this is going? Jobs are getting outsourced throughout our economy because there is a huge delta between US pay and benefits and the pay and benefits of foreign workers. In order for many companies to be competitive they are forced to become more efficient, more cost competitive and a large component of cost is labor.

I could go on forever because this is a huge and many faceted subject, but the bottom line is this: Walmart is giving a large segment of the population what they want. People vote with their dollars. If other companies can be price competitive, efficient in their operations and provide products that people want then they are going to be competitive too.

Lets hope that there will always be competitors to walmart because if there isn't then Walmart loses their incentive to be efficient and price competitive. The Japanese auto companies forced the US companies to improve their products and to become more efficient. The Chinese companies and the Indian manufacturers are going to force more design improvements and price competition in the decades to come in the auto industry.

What we are seeing in general is the acceleration of the pace at which technology is being applied to everything and the effect it is having on us. The world is becoming more and more complicated and it's happening faster and faster. Good luck keeping up.
Better quality stuff?? What are you people buying at Target and Walmart that is so different? They sell just about the same exact stuff


i look at it like this. these mom and pop shops are pricing themselves out of existence. theres no reason to have 3 times the markup for a stupid bicycle computer. its their own fault and i punish them.

You're joking, aren't you ?


i look at it like this. these mom and pop shops are pricing themselves out of existence. theres no reason to have 3 times the markup for a stupid bicycle computer. its their own fault and i punish them.

You're joking, aren't you ?

That'll teach 'em!!!

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