Someone smoked in my company truck

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Feb 15, 2003
Jupiter, Florida
Our flight department has a really nice, F150 XLT Super Crew truck for company use. As there are just two of us in the flight department, and NOBODY had any company business in Florida lately, I really have to wonder.... I arrive last night, and it positively reeks of cigarettes. I'm not talking about just a little either, ashes all over the seat and so on. I've not used it in two weeks, as I've been out of town. I'm recovering from a major eye infection and ashes are blowing in my eye when I get in.

How incredibly inconsiderate. Not to mention, I find the truck unlocked, gas tank not full and part of the front bumper missing.

It's never been smoked in before!

Insert angry curse words here......

So, any suggestions? I'm tempted to fill the truck with soap and water and pressure wash the interior. Then leave it wet, close the doors and so on and park it in it's normal spot.
Some pig smoked in your company's nice truck and you want to soak it and mold it? want to catch the smoker and nail him to a sideways cross like Saint Andrew facing the hot Florida Sun right beside the facility's gate.
Originally Posted by Cujet
Our flight department has a really nice, F150 XLT Super Crew truck for company use. As there are just two of us in the flight department,

Tell the other person to replace the bumper and get it professionally detailed on his dime or get suspended.
I'd take it in for a nice full detail, ozium and replace the bumper on the company dime...

Maybe ask the one other guy who uses it if he smoked in it. (does he smoke)

Where is the key kept, is it possible some unauthorized person obtained access or even that someone broke into it?
It's probably my boss who did it. Calling him on it will start a defensive excrement storm of epic proportions, followed by personal attacks. But I'm doing it anyway.

The more I think of it, he probably used the truck on personal business, probably to pick up a girlfriend while away from his wife. They probably spent the week smoking in it. Then left it as described.

Nobody else has a way to get into the truck or the keys to it.

Not likely to be a homeless person, as it's parked inside a fenced and gated lot at the FBO. Although one could get in the lot, it's not probable.
Originally Posted by Cujet
It's probably my boss who did it. Calling him on it will start a defensive excrement storm of epic proportions, followed by personal attacks. But I'm doing it anyway.

If it was me, I wouldn't call him out on it, but that's me--I know I can call out my bosses on things, but then again, I know I wouldn't suffer abuse in return.

I wonder if you could use your eye infection to your gain. "Had to do it, my eye kept swelling shut and I was afraid I couldn't do my job" or somesuch for an excuse.
Originally Posted by Cujet
I arrive last night, and it positively reeks of cigarettes. I'm not talking about just a little either, ashes all over the seat and so on.

Not to mention, I find the truck unlocked, gas tank not full and part of the front bumper missing.

Smokers are among the cleanest and most considerate members of society.

I am shocked at this discovery.
Bosses usually are granted immunity for these sort of activities. Workers generally only have two options, either grin and bear it or look for other employment.
I am guessing that this isn't "your" company truck. I have a Company truck and am the only one with the keys to said truck. Nobody drives it but me.
Write out an official protest / complaint , have it notarized . Fine out the official procedure is , if you have to go over the person's head .

Then , let him / her the situation , but also let him / her know that you will file the paperwork , off site , if he / she makes it right and it never happens again .

If the person was the owner , just ask him / her nor to make a mess in the vehicle you share with him / her . Might even volonteer to help clean up said mess , as an olive branch . And try to get your knickers out of a twist .

Try not to make an unpleasant situation worse .
So let me get this straight...

Is it your truck? No.
Do you make the payments? No.
Do you own the company that owns the truck? No.

Sorry, but if I was your boss I'd tell you to go pound sand....don't be that guy. You don't own the truck.
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Get a plug in ionizer and take it with you when you are not around. There are some sprays that will kill the odor.

Unfortunately it's not your truck and if you don't have positive proof your boss did this I wouldn't make a fuss.

Maybe a No Smoking sticker would lend a subtle hint?
Originally Posted by Throt
So let me get this straight...

Is it your truck? No.
Do you make the payments? No.
Do you own the company that owns the truck? No.

Sorry, but if I was your boss I'd tell you to go pound sand....don't be that guy. You don't own the truck.

My job has the same disease with many an employee claiming "my" truck. The company has GSA leases and pays a handsome penalty if they detect the vehicle was smoked in at lease return.
While I am sure that a lot of smokers just don't care about how their habit affects others, I think some of them just really have no idea that others find smoking to be truly noxious.
My dad liked to poke around at Salvation Army and Goodwill stores and I would sometimes join him on his shopping trips as a place in particular was usually very dirty and musty and I had a coughing fit one time that I just couldn't control.
Dad asked what was wrong and I said the dust and smell got to me...he told me he was surprised it bothered me so much as it didn't affect him.
Then he asked if the smoke in our house bothered smoked pipes and cigars (and cigars stuffed in pipes) while mom smoked cigarettes, they were both pretty much chimneys.
I told him heck yes it bothered me and asked him if he noticed that I was usually in the basement by myself when I was home rather than sitting with him and mom.
He looked and sounded totally shocked as he told me he had no idea the smoke was an issue!

I guess that dad just didn't care in the end, he never made an effort to stop smoking around me and only quit after he had a stroke and physically couldn't light his smokes anymore.
He tried to make my sister (his caretaker) do it for him, but she said no way at first and then pretended to try to do it after he yelled at her. He already had gone cold turkey in the hospital and rehab unit for months, so I have to imagine his cravings weren't too bad by that point.

Mom knew I hated the smoke and I even crushed pack of her cigarettes once to demonstrate how I felt about her habit, but her reaction to that was so extreme that I never tried anything like that again...kind of like something from The Exorcist.
Unless I owned it and someone I let use it did the dirty deed I would keep quiet about it. Knowing when pick a fight with the chief can cause all sorts of backlash if they feel it is whining over peanuts, it has to be worth it before I would go down that road and this isn't IMO.

I've never smoked a cigarette in my life and can't stand to be around it but as for this situation, there's not a thing the OP can do about it. The only thing he/she should do is report the damage to the bumper so that it doesn't get blamed on him/her. Then again, who is to say they didn't do this damage two weeks when it was last used ?
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I probably wouldn't call him on it unless you have the type of relationship where you can discuss it without repercussions, I would log it in a book and take photos. When the wife comes asking if you have seen anything suspicious...give her the details and let the dice fall.
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Just bring it up politely, like "hey, do you know if anybody smoked in the car? I just got an operation on my eye and the truck irritates it."
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