Sleep schedule differences between you and significant other.

Mar 17, 2008
I am usually in bed by 8 pm, wind down and off to sleep about 9 pm. My wife is a night owl and often goes to bed at 3-4 in the morning. However she often falls asleep in her chair and wakes up 1-2 times before she goes to bed. She is stubborn and acts as if going to bed is a bad

How about you all? On the same schedules? Way different?
Same schedules for my wife and I. In bed around 8. She falls asleep by 8:45 I go to bed maybe 15 minutes after that. She sleeps until 5:30 weekdays while I get up at 4:50. Weekends we're both up at 5:30. We're both in our early 30's.

Different sleep schedules would be a big issue for me.
We used to but it's closer now. For years she had a 3-11:30p shift and I had a 7-3 but now she's on 6-4:30p.. it's kinda a nightmare LOL. Even with the new hours she gets less sleep than I do and kinda violent in her sleep. We've had separate rooms for over 10 years.
My wife heads to bed at 9:37 as reliably as a German train schedule. She gets up around 6. I, on the other hand, try to be in bed by 11, and get up at 4:30. Weekends are similar... We both sleep a little later than weekdays, but I'm still up and at 'em 90 minutes or so before her. I guess different people need different amounts of sleep.
Bed time is usually about the same. But I cannot sleep in unless I’m sick or something. She could easily sleep in until noon every day for the rest of her life. I’m a napper though and she is not. Love me some naps.
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Bed time is usually about the same. But I cannot sleep in unless I’m sick or something. She could easily sleep in until noon every day for the rest of her life. I’m a napper though and she is not. Love me some naps.
Love naps too. Probably because I toss and turn to much and need my P** breaks!
I have varying work shedules, and I change my bed time accordingly, I like to be fresh before a 9 hour shift of driving. But I also tend to stay up long enough so I can sleep till it's time to get up in one setting. I can easily go to bed at 10pm and be up again at midnight if I'm not careful. That'll last for a few good hours, so it's better I just go to bed near midnight.
We both get up at 4:12am during the week. She is usually dozed off on my shoulder around 9-9:15pm...and we both head to bed about 9:30pm, after the weather on the evening news.

We stay up until about 11pm on weekends, and sleep in until 7-8am
In bed by 9:00 pm and up at 6:00 am. Wife in bed by 11:30 and up at 8-8:30. I toss and turn with back pain so I sleep in another room. Our dog sleeps with her. If we have guests overnight I’ll change my schedule and sleep with her and the dog. The dog (7lbs.) takes her half of the bed from the middle. I’m on the edge. Needless to say I’m not sleeping much in those situations.
Now I am retired I am up till about 1am if Late night tv is any good. Wife was early to bed and rise and still is though now retired. She refused the Daylight savings time change, so she is off to bed at 8pm and up around 3:30am. I am up at 7:30am.
Separate bedrooms for well over a decade.
In bed by 9:00 pm and up at 6:00 am. Wife in bed by 11:30 and up at 8-8:30. I toss and turn with back pain so I sleep in another room. Our dog sleeps with her. If we have guests overnight I’ll change my schedule and sleep with her and the dog. The dog (7lbs.) takes her half of the bed from the middle. I’m on the edge. Needless to say I’m not sleeping much in those situations.
Yep, dogs hang with the wife. Oldest dog constantly whines at her wanting her to go to bed.
I hit the sack at 11:30 and up at 7:30. Wife close to the same but normally sleeps a bit later. I usually take a hour nap every afternoon.
I get up at 4:30 am during the work week, so I usually go to bed at either 9:00 or when it gets dark outside, whichever is later. On the weekends, I go as early as 11:00pm, or as late as 3:00 am. If I'm out in the garage tinkering with something, I can completely lose track of time and have no problems staying up very late.

My wife goes to bed between 11:00-1:00, but she works from home and doesnt get up until 8-8:30 most mornings. Her weekend sleep times are usually earlier than mine. Sometimes I stay up late just to enjoy the peace and quiet, unless she goes shopping or out with a friend I literally never have the house to myself.

None of this really matters, we sleep in different bedrooms anyway, and have for the last 10-12 years. I used to snore... apparently I dont anymore and I've been invited back into the master bedroom if I want, but our schedules are so different now it wouldnt make sense and would end up being disruptive. Plus she lets the dog sleep in the bed, and thats a big no from me, aside from the fact that I seem to be our dog's preferred human so if I twitch or move at all, she plops down right by my face or up against me and I just cant sleep like that.