Skills every man should know?

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Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
A man should know how to do basic plumbing repairs, especially to the toilet. A man should know how to build a really good fire. A man should know how to use all the basic tools found in the average garage. A man should know how to carve cuts of meat for service at the table. A man should be able to understand (at least generally) what a mechanic is talking about when referring to a complex vehicle repair, which is the only time a man should see a mechanic. A man ought to know how to keep a house clean and orderly both inside and out and be able to perform all the functions required to do so. Any man worth his salt should be able to prepare at least a couple of really good meals from scratch.

I FEEL YOUR PAIN, POPINSKI! All that husband and father stuff is cute and all that but this is an oil forum not some kind of hallmark card. And, yeah, any idiot knows that stuff is important if you choose to be a husband or father. Not all men do. It doesn't make you somehow less of a man. (I AM married, BTW)

Great list!!! Thank you.
A real man should know how to do an oil change within 30 minutes without dumping several quarts of oil on the garage floor.
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
A real man should know how to do an oil change within 30 minutes without dumping several quarts of oil on the garage floor.

A real man would know that 30 minutes is not enough time to properly drain an engine. :)
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Originally Posted By: Popinski
...maybe someone will get the point...RIP

Go back and read post 1962909 a few more times. I think you got exactly what you asked for.
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