Since Amsoil is so good, why doesn't every1 use it

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Originally Posted By: Oilgal
Originally Posted By: Steve S
Pablo some uoa labs condemn oil for up or down 1 grade.

Come on Steve. That's another non argument from you, because as Pablo pointed out, that particular oil no longer even exists.

What's with all the straw men you keep erecting anyway?
It is a fact about some labs condemn oil if it goes up or drops in viscosity 1 grade. Any brand not just Amsoil.
Amsoil is a fine oil. Try it and see if you like it. It is one of many fine oils. It depends on how Amsoil is used as to reap the benefits of the oil. I have never said syns are bad .Many use the oil when it is not needed or used to take advantages of the product.
Originally Posted By: Oilgal
Thanks again for your feedback. I usually do 3k in 4 months.

Monday we are moving, to a very rural, even semi wilderness location. Then all trips, will be much longer, and fewer and more far between. The winters shall be actually both long and cold, and so it definitely looks like Amsoil and an EaO, is the way to go.

Thanks again.

And thanks to Steve S, for getting me thinking, as he always does.

You have posted about moving to the boonies .You should stockup on stuff you need as net to need to go to town often.
How many people in this forum DON'T have at least a year's worth of OCI oil stashed away?

I order by the gallon bottle to save money anyway and usually get 4 gallons at a time.
Thanks Steve S and mpersell.

Steve I hear what you are saying about using synthetics. I know Pablo will help me pick the right one, and I wont be wasting it by running for too short of an OCI.
Originally Posted By: mpersell
How many people in this forum DON'T have at least a year's worth of OCI oil stashed away?

I order by the gallon bottle to save money anyway and usually get 4 gallons at a time.

Me. I buy the oil when it is needed.
me too.
walmart always has supertech at a good price.

( If i get the theory now, the supertech I use today is far superior to the castrol gtx that took my '89 corolla to 200k,
when i finally dropped it in 2000, as there were too many non motor related repairs, and i was ready for a new truck )
Originally Posted By: Oilgal
Thanks Bill in Utah

Do you think a large, bigger than stock, Eao filter would be enough make up for that?

Maybe Steve and you are right. Maybe my older engine wouldn't handle it. I will rethink this a bit.

Pablo, any input on this?

If you can properly fit a matching larger oil filter, it's generally an improvement, just by the larger oil volume. I don't see why you couldn't go 10K+ in your nice clean engine. Does it consume any oil? I was recommending ACD 10W-30 before your move. May stick with that.....or SSO, HDD, DEO.....
I use Mobil 1 because:
1. It's a high quality product with which I have a good track record. (notwithstanding the braying that occurs here over its base oil.)
2. I have a long history with it that is proven with thirty plus years of UOA.
3. It's sold in quantity, virtually anywhere I go. If I need a quart while hunting in Wyoming, vacationing in Washington, at home in Georgia, on a business trip in West Virginia... I can get it without problem.
4. It makes me feel good from peace of mind.

Why doesn't everyone use Amsoil?
1. Multi-Level Marketing.
2. You can't buy it at Uncle Wally's, or any place else.
3. It is more expensive than my currently used oil. (all things considered.)
4. I do not care about Amsoil in the least.
5. I have some bias against them. (See number 1 above.)
6. I could not care less about their claims, as the extended OCI I do with Mobil 1 of 8 to 12K miles is a proven winner in dozens of my past cars and trucks.

Further, I am a Mechanical Engineer who deals with oil issues in the refrigeration industry, and consider myself a professional with regard to oil selection, use, and analysis. Do not even get me started on Royal Purple oil and the problems I have experienced with it in my industry.
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I second matchbox as far as motor oil is concerned. Something so disposable as motor oil I'd rather find on a shelf somewhere local. Gear/Trans Oils on the other hand I'm fine spending a little more for something better since it's changed so rarely.
sounds like they think they can make more $$ finding new dealers then selling product.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
That's no good. Those guys were idiots. That is not what Amsoil Corporate pushes. Sorry about your experience.

You want oil, Gary and I sell oil.
This happened 3 years ago, I dont have a link right now. The first run was the series 2000 0w30, and the second was the series 3000 HDD 5w30.
Pablo, Amsoil states that their oils "remain in grade" and do not thicken due to oxidation/nitration. EVERY person I spoke with in the tech department gave me a different story when I contacted them on this issue. My UOA report also read "abnormal"
indicating that this oil was out of the viscosity range. Basically this 0w30 oil turned into roughly a 10w40 in 6 month's and 9000 miles. This is unacceptable to me. I am not calling this oil "road tar, or sludge etc..", but this bothered me even though it probably did nothing to increase wear. This certainly affects cold starting viscosity, and MPG. Im not gonna mention any names, but one of their tech service employees [censored] me off by trying to tell me that this 0w30 will now act like a "0w40" oil. Implying that it will not affect cold starting pumpability. Sorry tech dept. Try again!
I will admit some of the phone jockeys Amsoil used to talk through their arse. A couple probably still do. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak, because Amsoil did change the formulations. I think we will see a new SS HDD as well.
Well, if nothing else, this thread proves that there are no sacred cows here on BITOG. I've kinda left Pablo here taking everything on the chin (shamefully)..but the bashing has been free flowing a good synthetic.
Well along with a huge fat head I have a fat chin to beat on!

I was kinda digging it when we had an Amsoil-Redline-Royal Purple triumvirate bash going in three separate threads....sometimes interwoven, the Amsoil thread would have a little RL bashing, the RP thread would have some Amsoil bashing, the RL thread would be beating on RP....and so on.

No new "facts" - some made up stuff....good gawd let's get a grip here folks.
Stop being so silly!!
Originally Posted By: resslera
I have tried in the past to buy Amsoil. The one time I called a dealer to buy some motorcycle oil they tried on the phone to get me to sell Amsoil. That deterred me so I use mobil1 in my bike and its cheaper.

About a month ago I was at the gas station. My car was ticking because it is an Isuzu with a SOHC 3.2L that is inherant to this problem (sticky valve-lash adjusters). Usually Mobil1 ow30 clears it quick though. Had a guy walk up and ask me to pop the hood so he could find out where the ticking is coming from. I politely said "no thanks, well aware of the ticking and what the cause is". He then proceeds to give me his business card "Amsoil" and tells me he has something that will cure that instantly. I tell him no thanks and he then begins to tell me how I can sell Amsoil. At that point I merely smiled, said no thanks and got in my car. He was still talking as I started my car to go.

Maybe it is the greatest oil in the world but that is strike 2. Mobil 1 and Royal Purple are working just fine for me.

your two strikes are simply lack of understanding honest buisness practice.
you said you tried to buy Amsoil. NO you didnt!
Mobil1 only 1 best blend oil is good up too 15,000 miles and royal purple is good for 12,000 miles as advertised by the companies.
how is mutiple oil changes with M1 and RP cheaper than Amsoil?
RP cost more than Amsoil and M1
and by looking at all the M1 and Amsoil UOA I will stick with Amsoil cause it is better not cause I was deterred...
Hey, man ..everyone is allowed their own "sin eater" experience.

I mean, once I was eating a big juicy Delmonico and a bee flew in the window and stung me. Never will I ever let a steak do that too me again.
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