Sick and tired of the "listening"

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I can power my phone down at 45% battery and throw it in a drawer for 2 weeks and when I come back to it 2 weeks later and power it on it'll still be at 45%. How is it "listening" and not consuming any power?

There is a very good reason that classified spaces require you to leave all, repeat, ALL, electronics, including your Apple Watch, in your car.

Let us leave it at that.
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Since we're on the subject, what constitutes a "good" Faraday Bag for a phone? These things are priced all over the place. Would something like this work?

Or do you need to spend more on something like this? I mean, that's a pretty big spread for basically the same thing. What exactly are you supposed to look for with these type of things?

These will likely not work, I see a gap where the flap closes.

You can build one with multiple layers of aluminum foil and aluminum HVAC tape. Have to make sure there are no gaps.
I take after my father. It's like fishing. The fun starts when gathering up the tackle, stuffing a cooler with drinks and food, loading up the truck/car and getting to the water. I'm going to make the fun last as long as I can.

Catching fish is just gravy.
Do an internet search involving anything from travel to toilets and you'll start seeing lots of related popups on most sites.
Just how things are. We sacrifice some privacy for convenience.
Do an internet search involving anything from travel to toilets and you'll start seeing lots of related popups on most sites.
Just how things are. We sacrifice some privacy for convenience.

"Icognito Window" is your friend if you are concerned about this.

Also works great for bypassing paywalls on sites like the Washington Post, on the rare chance I they have a story I want to read.
When I bought my audi, I started seeing them every where. Same with the CX-5.

I've *never* experienced webpages showing items of discussion.
The trick is to share and look up only weird things, you can really break their advertising. For awhile I was being served ads to buy gas pumps…. Not for a car, honest to god gas station pumps. Pic for example, I hope y’all start getting ads for hotdogs now.

"Icognito Window" is your friend if you are concerned about this.

Also works great for bypassing paywalls on sites like the Washington Post, on the rare chance I they have a story I want to read.
Doesn’t prevent tracking, it simply deletes that sessions cookies when you close the incognito tab. It’ll help prevent cross site tracking, but anything you do on that site/window will still be tracked as if it was in a normal window/tab. Need something like this:

It's because they don't know if those electronics have been modified to be a bug. That was the original concern, LONG before anyone knew what a "smartphone" was.
Yup. When we toured the nuke plant we were not allowed to bring ANY of our own electronics in. However, the device they used to take the pictures with was an iPhone that belonged to the plant, and that went everywhere with us in there.
It's because they don't know if those electronics have been modified to be a bug. That was the original concern, LONG before anyone knew what a "smartphone" was.
It's not just that. The government has always been super paranoid of these type of things. Back in the late 90's the Pentagon even went as far as to ban "Furbys" kids toys, because they actually thought they were a threat to national security.

"Furbys were officially banned by the NSA, the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, and the Pentagon. Administrators allegedly worried that an employee might bring one into work wherein it could eavesdrop on a top-secret conversation and “start talking classified.”........... Then the NSA went and hired Snowden.

Yup, in the military we were required to remove the batteries from our phones, and leave them all outside.

Yet people, including forum members here, want MORE tech! I don't understand it. I'm actively DE-TECHING as much as I can. NO social media, other than a few forums. NOTHING streaming, no Alexis, I never download applications to my phone, I turn off phone location, nothing gets any permissions, all my cars are "dumb," etc. I'm highly contemplating just getting rid of all unnecessary nanny-state computer nonsense that enables any level of monitoring and tracking. I really hate where this has taken humanity. I want to get back to the basics.

I do NOT understand why so many folks want so much technology and gobble it up. This big corporation/government spying is frightening, totalitarian, in my view. No privacy.

Get rid of your FB, Twitter, Alexis, everything.
When it comes to apps I dont dowload any.
Old school flipfones are making a comebavk supposedly.

Also there was avid online how to buy a spyware free phone.

Of course I am typing this on windows 11 which is both bloat and spyware (thats where the bloat comes from I think)
How long until our computers refuse to even make posts about spyware free phones?
I'll probably end up buying an iPhone eventually, but just for the camera. I'm going to leave it disconnected from the Deep State. :)
Yup, in the military we were required to remove the batteries from our phones, and leave them all outside.

Yet people, including forum members here, want MORE tech! I don't understand it. I'm actively DE-TECHING as much as I can. NO social media, other than a few forums. NOTHING streaming, no Alexis, I never download applications to my phone, I turn off phone location, nothing gets any permissions, all my cars are "dumb," etc. I'm highly contemplating just getting rid of all unnecessary nanny-state computer nonsense that enables any level of monitoring and tracking. I really hate where this has taken humanity. I want to get back to the basics.

I do NOT understand why so many folks want so much technology and gobble it up. This big corporation/government spying is frightening, totalitarian, in my view. No privacy.

Get rid of your FB, Twitter, Alexis, everything.
I have to agree, and I'm much the same way. I HATE talking on a cell phone. They cut in and out, depending on who you're talking to and where. I rarely take mine with me. It's not even turned on more than a few hours a day, if that. A recharge will literally last me weeks.

All of my important contacts, friends, doctors, along with people I do business with, and anyone else that needs to be able to contact me, all do so through my landline. The reception is much clearer. I'm retired and home most of the time, or else my wife is. So it's not an issue to be able to get ahold of me.

And while I'm not a privacy freak, there is zero doubt that personal privacy is fast disappearing. I don't need, or want to accelerate that deterioration by having social media accounts. Be it "Alexis", Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all that other crap. I know people who literally spend hours a day on that nonsense.

I NEVER text. Not due to any fear of lost privacy. But because to me it's just plain stupid. Why sit there typing something, when you can simply call and talk to them? We abandoned the telegraph for the telephone for personal use because it was a major advancement. Now we're walking that back. How many Western Union offices do you see today?

I paid $100.00 for my cell phone. And as far as I'm concerned, that was about $90.00 too much. And yet you see these people all lined up to pay well into 4 digits for the latest and newest I-Phone that comes out every 15 minutes. And we wonder why people have no money.

They can't seem to throw it away fast enough on all of this technological crap, that depreciates faster than a losing lottery ticket.
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When it comes to apps I dont dowload any.
Old school flipfones are making a comebavk supposedly.

Also there was avid online how to buy a spyware free phone.

Of course I am typing this on windows 11 which is both bloat and spyware (thats where the bloat comes from I think)
How long until our computers refuse to even make posts about spyware free phones?
"Secure Smartphones"...... That's an oxymoron if there ever was.
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