2018 Chevy Silverado — 1 quart every 5,000 miles, 52,000 miles on it when I sold it back to the dealer. Babied, had misfires, intermittent check engine lights, stutter.
2007 Lexus LS 460 - no consumption up until 90,000 miles or so, then around a quart at 110,000 miles (5,000-7,500 mile intervals), then a quart and a half at 130,000 miles. Then it became full fledged oil burner at 150,000 miles (2 quarts in 5,000 miles), until finally a full quart every 800 miles at around 170,000 miles.
2016 Toyota Avalon - 118,000 miles, no noticeable oil consumption unless I take it to 10,000 mile intervals. Then it might consume 1/4 of a quart. Best car I’ve ever owned, boring but it’s a very capable car with great fuel mileage, power, acceleration, smooth torque, and straight down the road highway cruiser ability.