****'s sporting goods pulls AR's

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Originally Posted By: Tempest
Originally Posted By: Duffman77

Well there is really no point arguing with anyone who thinks life is an all or nothing proposition.

Do you have a right to defend yourself or not?

Seems pretty all or nothing to me.

I edited my post while you were posting.
Originally Posted By: Gabe
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Originally Posted By: Gabe

A life where an individual is crippled with fear isn't much of a life either.

Fear of whom? A single crazy nut or a large bureaucracy who's entire reason for existing is to control what you do?

I don't know; you tell me. Why do people feel the need to have military grade firearms with high capacity magazines?? Is it protection from the government, criminals, zombies, drug addicts, or something else?? I don't understand why they are so afraid.

My AK-47, to me, is just like my M3.

Do I need it? [censored] no, but it sure is fun. It's a hobby. I want my hobby, whether it be a high-powered rifle or a high-powered car.

Used without experience or with disregard to public safety, both can be dangerous. Used safely and in the appropriate environment, there's no harm. I don't see why the masses, should be punished for the crimes of the few.
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"Florida Man Shoots Pizza Restaurant Patron for Complaining About Slow Service, Tells Police He Was Standing His Ground"

If only there were an armed 2nd gunman in the room to shoot the first shooter, then this wouldn't have occurred.

The Wild Wild West brought into the 21st century courtesy of...." "
Irrelevant to the banning of ARs and semi-automatic weapons.

It was an ILLEGAL REVOLVER. Why should this idiots decision to ILLEGALLY CARRY A REVOLVER affect my decision to legally purchase a SIG AR-15? Or my decision to legally purchase (and carry) my S&W 9mm.

Pointless post is pointless.
Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
It would probably do more good to ban violent video games and TV shows then to ban guns. This kid in CT spent hours playing military shootem-up games in his windowless basement. You can bet it influenced his mental state of mind and subsequent behavior.

I doubt we'll see any repercussions to Katzenberg, Weinstein or any of the other Hollywood peddler's of violence....we all know who they supporetd in the last election...
Originally Posted By: Duffman77
Originally Posted By: Reddy45

A life where an individual cannot defend himself isn't much of a life. Sounds a lot like slavery to me.

This comment is such a joke, carrying firearms everyday is not a right in Canada, and this is everybit as good if not better country to live in than yours.
It should be a right and there are groups trying to make it a right.
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
5 round capacity for a semi auto, what a joke.

Great, now what happens if more than one person breaks into my home? Ask them nicely while I reload. I specifically load my 5-7 with frangible rounds when at home because it gives me 22 rounds to ensure my family's safety without reloading.


You should take a look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o2owhC_Cgc

It looks like frangible ammo does really bad in simulated tests. I guess the clothing causes the bullet to fail.
Originally Posted By: Gabe
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Originally Posted By: Gabe

A life where an individual is crippled with fear isn't much of a life either.

Fear of whom? A single crazy nut or a large bureaucracy who's entire reason for existing is to control what you do?

I don't know; you tell me. Why do people feel the need to have military grade firearms with high capacity magazines?? Is it protection from the government, criminals, zombies, drug addicts, or something else?? I don't understand why they are so afraid.
What exactly do you mean by military grade? Military firearms are usually select fire, semi auto and full auto. Civilian versions are only semi-auto. Who said anybody is afraid? I like military firearms because I just happen to like them. Is there a problem with that?
Originally Posted By: bdcardinal
A friend of mine that owns a gun store locally that caters to the more tactical gun owners said he has been cleaned out, best sales week ever. Really considering picking up a stripped lower just to have for the future.

Good on him. ****'s made a business decision that the tactical end of the bell curve was not something they wanted to pursue anymore.

I wouldn't want someone who last week sold jock straps and soccer cleats to be selling assault rifles this week, legal or not. OK with leaving that to a specialist.

BTW, a specialist/ gun store turned Lanza down.
Originally Posted By: Gabe
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
5 round capacity for a semi auto, what a joke.

Great, now what happens if more than one person breaks into my home? Ask them nicely while I reload. I specifically load my 5-7 with frangible rounds when at home because it gives me 22 rounds to ensure my family's safety without reloading.


You should take a look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o2owhC_Cgc

It looks like frangible ammo does really bad in simulated tests. I guess the clothing causes the bullet to fail.

That 100-grain gel-filled .40 is very different from the full metal 23-grain 5.7mm round I'm using. The 5.7mm will SHRED a target, but it will not penetrate drywall.

I know frangible ammo was off topic, but my defending a high-capacity magazine wasn't.
Originally Posted By: xxch4osxx
Originally Posted By: Duffman77

This comment is such a joke, carrying firearms everyday is not a right in Canada, and this is everybit as good if not better country to live in than yours.
It should be a right and there are groups trying to make it a right.

Sane non-criminal people carrying guns does not bother me but you are truly delusional if you think that is going to happen in Canada.
Originally Posted By: Duffman77
I think there are 3 particular problems:
1) The vetting process on getting a gun is inadequate or the threshold is too low.

2) There needs to be a law on magazine capacity, I'd put it at 5 for a semi-auto. These killings are going to happen anyway but I think the body count could be lower if the shooters were slowed down more.

3) These gun free zones are a problem in a country full of guns as it only penalizes the law abiding citizens. Do I think every teacher should be carrying, no. But maybe the principal and VP should have access to a gun (and mandatory training) in their office and maybe one other unknown location in the building.

So my 7 shot revolver is now illegal?
Originally Posted By: Slick17601
Originally Posted By: Duffman77
I think there are 3 particular problems:
1) The vetting process on getting a gun is inadequate or the threshold is too low.

2) There needs to be a law on magazine capacity, I'd put it at 5 for a semi-auto. These killings are going to happen anyway but I think the body count could be lower if the shooters were slowed down more.

3) These gun free zones are a problem in a country full of guns as it only penalizes the law abiding citizens. Do I think every teacher should be carrying, no. But maybe the principal and VP should have access to a gun (and mandatory training) in their office and maybe one other unknown location in the building.

So my 7 shot revolver is now illegal?

Depends. Does it take a >5 shot magazine??
Sounds like ****'s is a good place to NOT shop.

To those who like Canada (or any place else, for that matter) better than the U.S.A., I'm glad you're in Canada or some other place, and I wish you happiness.

To those who think I'm a threat because I own a semi-automatic weapon (regardless of the magazine capacity)..... If you're not intent on harming me or my loved ones, I'm ZERO threat. Otherwise, come prepared, you WILL be assaulted! I won't be aiming to disable. The intent will be "lights out".
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Originally Posted By: buster
Thoughts on this?

The weapons that are desired to be out of the hands of civilians will already be in their hands by the time the ban is passed and signed into law. The only way to accomplish the goal is to make it so that if one owns a banned weapon, the federal government owes the owner the book value for the weapon and then must confiscate it. Otherwise the law will have no teeth and really no impact. Additionally, mental health records must be digitized, nationalized in a databank, then matched against any attempt to purchase a gun as well as current gun ownerships (i.e. if someone living in your home has a documented history with mental illness or personality disorder, you may own nothing more than a handgun). Finally, it should resemble aspects of the original crime bill where resources must be poured into local, state, and federal law enforcement to track down and cut off the source and flow of illegal weapons - except for real this time, not the half-assed attempts made in the past. I would also involve the CIA in this endeavor.

For those who say that the law won't work because 1. the guns are already out there, 2. it's about mental health, not guns, 3. guns don't kill people, people kill people, 4. it's a violation of American freedom, or 5. all of this is pie in the sky and too difficult to pull off, I would say this: If you feel it is better to stand with folded arms on this issue, you must also be willing to say (out loud) that you are okay with these shootings happening occasionally, including the one in Newton.
I am very sorry, but I have thought about this issue for years. I have considered many different angles to the story and kept considering them after Columbine, VA Tech, Arizona, Aurora, CO, the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, and the mall in Oregon. Now, I no longer feel torn or conflicted in any way, shape, or form. I am now completely convinced that we, as Americans, are a wicked and violent people and can no longer be trusted with high-powered and deadly weapons, nor do we have any ground to stand on in order to call this a "right." The news of twenty dead children, none of which was older than seven, has completely sealed this for me. The American people must now be treated like you would treat a child that is near a stove with a kettle of boiling water bubbling away.

It is regrettable that Americans cannot be trusted with these weapons any longer. It is regrettable for many Americans that take gun safety very seriously, are careful with their weapons, and follow the rules. But, I honestly don't care. No one's weapon collection is worth one of those kid's lives in Newton and constitutionally, no one person's right can infringe upon another person's. If people want to argue the Constitution, then the shooter's mother's "2nd Amendment right" to bear those weapons infringed upon the 5th Amendment rights of all 26 individuals killed by her son. To me however, that argument is meaningless. The fact is that Americans can no longer be trusted and if there is another assault weapons ban it needs to be retroactive - you may keep a handgun or a weapon that is designed for hunting and nothing else (i.e. a weapon that must be reloaded after one or two rounds are fired). I would accept nothing less if I was in a position of political power in Washington. If people want to hold a more powerful firearm with multiple rounds in a magazine, then join the [censored] Marine Corps. Otherwise, you don't need it and cannot be trusted with it.

Thoughts on it ?

I lived through it in Australia with their buyback.

A Krico .22 semi (declared illegal) got $150, versus $300 new in the shops. Govt argues that they were "used", and not "new"....and also knew that people who typically obey the law would comply anyway.

an AR15, or SLR, which was already illegal in nearly every state and therefore had no "market" (in the traditional sense) was $7,500, in order to try to flush out those that had already been illegally obtained. Note the AR had never ever, in the history of the country been a legal import, but there were/are thousands of them...even after the buyback, people were buying them.

Semi auto pistols, including 10mm glocks are the tool of choice in the more than 180 drivebys that have occurred in my state this year. Pistols have never been readily available, and the most likely thefts appear to have been armed guards for wheel guns. 10mm glocks have NEVER been sold to the public in this country, and therefore have never had a base of machines to go underground.

Interestingly, not long after the buyback, the Police justified Glocks over 6 wheelers, and lost an entire container load, on a train between two major cities. It blipped into the media, and flashed out again.

Yep, stolen guns are a problem...but if the authorities don't fess up to them being a part of the problem, and a problem that simply doesn't exist through the average Joe in Oz...and the buyback achieved squat
Originally Posted By: buster

Seems to me America is a violent country. There are countries, like Japan, that elminated guns and therefore have a low gun death rate. It can be done.

Yep, that was one of the successes of the Oz gun buyback, firearm related homicides dropped way down...however, they also counted firearm suicides as homicides (technically, they are)...overall violent death rate didn't drop a skerrick (well they never had another 36 person massacre, but they hadn't had one prior either)

Personally, I think these massacres are a suicide, with an "I'll show the world that I'm here" component overlaid...they never even think that they'll get out alive.

Taking the above...Japan has a fair amount of violence,just not with guns

Originally Posted By: tpitcher
Better pull gasoline & cars off the road as those can do the same thing.

That was just "what he chose". If he could not get his hands on the AR, it would have been something else.....

What if he grabbed a Shotgun, would those be banned?

He had a shotgun, a bat, a knife, even a potentially crowd killing car, but chose the AR for some reason? Maybe because its the best tool by far, he had access to, for mass murder.
How long would it take to just shoot a 100 shells from a shotgun, just loading the shoot as fast as you could? Never mind moving around finding targets, heck where would you carry 100 shells where you could access them quickly?
I'm not anti-gun but any means, but having auto or semi auto rifles with huge clips isn't really needed for home defense in 99.9999% of situations.
As someone who has had the misfortune of having been as well as been close to someone that lived through acts violence I will tell you a few things.

1. The idea that you should be able to drop any threat in 5-10 rounds are ridiculous. History is full of shootouts where people have taken multiple rounds and did not go down. (Moros in the Philippine insurrection, the infamous 86 FBI shootout). Dave Grossman, a well known former West Point instructor has published books on how being in a true "fight or flight" situation affects your ability in combat/defense. In short order, its harder to perform under a real threat versus shooting paper targets for biological and mental reasons. If you have more than one assailant (this has happened and specifically to me) it may be hard to put two or three men down effectively.

2. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle. The tech is out there and has been for nearly a century for high cap mags...and yes there were high cap weapons in WW1 AND WW2 for whoever made a WW2 weapon reference. They got into the population through legal and illegal means and even outright confiscation would not rid the country of them, let alone grandfathering ones bought before a ban (over 300k AR rifles sold in the USA last year alone). Both the rifles and the mags will still be floating around.

3. Denying someone the right to protect themselves, and protect them selves well is a sign of quasi-authoritarianism at the very least. Why should a stand up, reasonable, mentally healthy, and law abiding citizen be denied the use of an AR15 to protect himself/herself from a burglar, but the police can have them to confront the same burglar if called to the scene? Or that the cop's gun can hold 15 rounds and the civilian stuck with 10?

Most unarmed people who have been attacked and assaulted wished they could defend themselves. I sure am reminded everyday how I wish I had my Steyr M9 (with a 14rd clip....gasp) when three men attacked me. All these years later my bad leg that was broken severely hurts pretty much everyday. Ive had to pull that gun since I got it, and thank god that alone was enough. Id hate to kill anyone, even a [censored], but I am grateful I live in a country that allows me to arm myself and not with some bare bones 5 round snubbie or two shot shotgun, but a real effective weapon that is equal to what they give the police officers to protect themselves everyday. I know first hand that cops catch criminals and thank god we have them(and we could use more)...but often after the crime has been commmitted.

I implore all of you who are on this bandwagon of banning guns outright or even certain types that are currently legal to really think logically and not let emotions get the better of you. If you read the facts, and read all about the second amendments history, you will find that these proposals being put out there by people like Bloomberg and Feinstein will do no good in the long run or short run. Instead look at why we have rampages like this in a day when guns are harder to get than 50 years ago(one could buy an "assault weapon" through the mail with no checks and get it delivered to your door before 1968) and we did not have things like this happening. It is not the technology causing it, so do not blame the gun for the actions of the shooter. Anders Brevik shot 250 people in a nation with strict gun control laws just a couple years ago. And there have been other rampage shootings throughout Europe and Australia also after bans and confiscations. We feel terrible for what has happened and we want to try to prevent it from happening again, but doing these things being proposed as far as the magazine capacity ban and the return of the "assault weapon" ban wont do it. We had one for ten years and still had columbine. The DoJ admitted it did not work, and that same dept released last year we are at a 40 year low for violent crime in America. This tragedy aside we are a safer nation today than anytime since the early 70s.
You're already pretty well there...you don't have auto, in any clip size to 99.9999% of situations
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