Redline for $1.99 @ Advance!

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Oct 11, 2002
Colorado Springs
Should I do it? Store manager said he'd sell them out at $1.99/quart. Has about 5 or 6 cases of 10w-30. I stood there and thought about it and said I may come back. They all laughed at me
I just can't get over some of those UOA, but for 2 bucks a quart? I may buy them out and sell it all on E-Bay. They said even at 2.99/quart it won't sell!
It's not terrible, it just won't sell to the people who frequent Advance Auto! They've got funds tied up in inventory, although getting rid of it for a 1.99 is about as close to just throwing it away as possible!

Originally posted by Drew99GT:
Should I do it? Store manager said he'd sell them out at $1.99/quart. Has about 5 or 6 cases of 10w-30. I stood there and thought about it and said I may come back. They all laughed at me
I just can't get over some of those UOA, but for 2 bucks a quart? I may buy them out and sell it all on E-Bay. They said even at 2.99/quart it won't sell!

Go back and buy it all. You could bet if I came accrooss that deal I would be running Redline for a long time and I wouldn't worry about UOA's that are to interpret do to the unique formulation.

If I had an AA close buy I would be scouring the stocks and trying to make a deal.
Go back there and buy them out ASAP, even if you have to take the morning off work to do it. That is a GREAT deal. I had to pay $4.99 after rebate for mine.
Here's the problem though.....I already have an oil stash!! I literally have no room thanks to all the great closeout deals on SL/GF-3, namely Havoline Synthetic.
Just use it as additive to Amsoil

Seriously - that is a riot of a deal - even if you run it straight or blended with a good dino. Screw the warranty fine print. Or not.
If I buy them out, I will LITERALLY have oil for enough changes on 3 vehciles for the next 2 to 3 years. Thanks to Paul, I don't feel so bad about this though!
Do you not have an attic or the means to purge your old stock (garage sale)? Or some oil nuts who live nearby who would be willing to help you cull your stash a bit. That deal is smoking hot.

And what is wrong with having enough oil for 2 or three years??
Rotaryphone ,

Some Partsource locations are clearing the stuff out for $8.99 cdn/quart right now.Hardly sounds like a sale when compared to $1.99 US.
yeah, i work at advance auto and we discontinued it a while ago and all the stores are trying to get rid of it. more than likely if they dont sell it they will send it back to the manufacturer so you better jump on it. they shouldnt be selling for that cheap since they arent making any profit on it at all. my manager marked it down to 2$ a quart and i bought a case of it just because it was so cheap and than we found out that we have to sell it at 3.50 a quart because it costs us about $3 dollars a quart to stock. not sure what im gonna do with it but ill probably use it as an additive.
Well, now I have 36 courts of Redline 10w-30. They sold the rest last night. This may actually work out good cause I'm lookin at buying a 94 Nissan Sentra that has an aftermarket turbo kit, built motor etc. This oil will be great for it. And I won't feel bad about doing frequent Redline changes when it cost me less than Pennzoil dino

Originally posted by Yuk:
Rotaryphone ,

Some Partsource locations are clearing the stuff out for $8.99 cdn/quart right now.Hardly sounds like a sale when compared to $1.99 US.

$1.99 USD is less than $3 CAD. That is dirt cheap. Well , I bought GC because they are lot cheaper then redline but if redline is selling for $3...I will buy them for sure.

Originally posted by Drew99GT:
If I buy them out, I will LITERALLY have oil for enough changes on 3 vehciles for the next 2 to 3 years. Thanks to Paul, I don't feel so bad about this though!

I have five cars I care for.I have enough oil for at least five years of oil changes.Just got a case of the new Scheaffers 5w40 last week(6 gallons).
But I cant quit any time I want!
lucky dude. I went to three or four advance auto parts in town when it was posted on here they were selling redline for $1.99/qt. they scanned here for 5.95/qt but all the redline was on clearance and one store had it in the back. not buying oil at that price
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