reccomend me an insurance company

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Ditto on USAA. Been with 'em for 37 years. Number One Daughter totalled the family SUV last summer and the family sedan summer before that. (I dread the coming summer). USAA took it all in stride. Of course the premiums are up. . . .
I am very satsfied with State Farm. Only had to make one claim when I hit a deer. They let me take the car where I wanted and my agent wrote me a check the same day I brought in the estimate. My parked car was also hit be a person that had Progressive. I was very happy with the way Progressive handled the claim and booked a rentel car for me. They told me I could take my car anywere I wanted but I would only get a lifetime warranty if I used one of their recommended shops. After the repairs were done Progressive called to see if I was satisifed with the repairs.
I'm in southern California, and am very happy with my insurance through AAA. I've been with them since 2000, and have had several claims over that time - ranging from minor self-inflicted door scrapes to a hit-and-run totalling of our car.

Their rates are competitive (although I'm sure I could find lower).

Far more important that that, though, is how they actually handle claims - IOW, how they behave when it's time for them to hold up their end of the deal after taking my premium payments. They have proven excellent in this regard - and I've heard horror stories of "bargain" companies that do not. AAA is fast, responsive to questions, and more than fair when it comes to settlement amounts. Vehicles are repaired with OEM parts, and their settlement offer on our totalled car was more than I was expecting (and backed up with about ten pages of detailed research).

I signed up with them after leaving State Farm; I had grown weary of asking my agent's office questions and getting answers which turned out to be incorrect. I think it's quite likely that this was more a problem with my agent, rather than State Farm as a whole, but I'm currently very happy with AAA and have no inclination to take my business elsewhere anytime soon.
I was insured with GEICO in Georgia for many years before they gouged me so bad I left. The other GEICO case (not me) was in Illinois. ALLSTATE (not me) in Georgia too. METLIFE (not me) here in Kentucky.

I have also used Progressive but dropped them after one 6-month term.

Used GMAC insurance for a few years - decent prices, never made a claim though.

I've taken my insurance (and banking) business (neither of which is much) to more local smaller operations. I have found in-state companies that are pleasant to deal with and don't have the ugly 'gotchas' that some nationwide monsters
I've been with USAA for 30+ years. Excellent service and rates. I believa any military can sign up with them now. You do not have to be an officer in the military.
You're in California, try Mercury. They have online quote which took me less than 15 minutes to fill both cars and home applications. I got the lowest premiums for both cars and home owner policies. I tried AAA, Farmer, Allstate ... and no one beats Mercury. Their services are very good too, I had two claims within 1 year for hit and run without any problem and my premium was not increased because of those claims.
We insured our cars through AAA for years, and never had any complaints, until I got bumped in a parking lot incident. The other driver gave me expired insurance information, then turned around and filed a claim against me. I had planned on taking her to small claims court, but when I found out she filed a claim, I was desperate to talk to someone from AAA to find out what was going on and tell them DO NOT pay her! The adjuster never called me back. I did talk to several other people, told them the other driver was not insured, and faxed some information regarding the accident, but I never could get anyone on the phone who could tell me exactly what was going on. I couldn't very well file against her in small claims if my insurance company rolled and made a payout. In the end, I just threw up my hands and gave up, and resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to get the cosmetic damage fixed myself, be thankful that the only damage was cosmetic to begin with, and not renew my policy with AAA.

I'm with Allstate now, and hopefully won't be seeing how they handle claims for a long, long time.

It would be nice to hear experiences from those who have made claims to these (and other) insurance companies -- how they were treated, whether they could use a repair facility of their own choice, whether the insurance company paid for OEM parts or only aftermarket, how often they tried to total a vehicle that was worth repairing, etc. Insurance companies are in the business to make money, and some of them can get very manipulative and difficult when you have a claim. . . .

I've been with AAA since about 2000, switching from State Farm due to much lower premiums. I've found out how good their service is on three occasions:

2004: '86 420SEL totalled while parked by teenage and probably drunken driver who scraped every body panel on the street side, including the wheels. $6K worth of work for a car valued at $4500. I chose to total it. AAA paid me the value, and added sales tax without my having to ask.

2006: Rear bumper of C230 banged and cracked, again while I was parked. I picked my own body shop. No problems.

2007 (you begin to see why I want out of New Orleans, don't you?): Hit-and-run, rear-ended while stopped at a light by an illegal alien. (I got the plate, but as yet nothing has happened; I need to light a fire under the cops.) In the meantime, I went to AAA's recommended body shop, and they did a fine job and on time.

As yet, premiums haven't gone up; in fact they dropped in 2005, and it wasn't an error, as there was a congratulatory note on the renewal notice. And they didn't go up after the 2006 accident, either. We'll see about it after this third one. . . .
"Progressive is the biggest bunch of jerks that exist."

Ditto here, expect no support from them if you are hit by uninsured motorist, or a lying scoundrel. It is easier to collect money from you than go after them.

You're in California, try Mercury. They have online quote which took me less than 15 minutes to fill both cars and home applications. I got the lowest premiums for both cars and home owner policies. I tried AAA, Farmer, Allstate ... and no one beats Mercury. Their services are very good too, I had two claims within 1 year for hit and run without any problem and my premium was not increased because of those claims.

thanks - thanks everyone - mercury is indeed the cheapest quote im working on right now....
Working at a motorcycle dealer I can tell you Progressive is by far the worst to get cooperation from, with Geico a close second. Everyone else seems to be very easy to deal with.
"WHY are they assuming any vehicle with major damage repairs is un safe.???????"

It's not that the cars are unsafe. It's that State Farm never retitled the vehicles as being salvaged.
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