Rant on used tires on Craigslist

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Staff member
Jun 4, 2002
The Motor City
I'm always looking to save a few bucks where I can. Sometimes I try to find tires I need on craigslist.

In my opinion, new tires from an individual on craigslist shouldn't cost more than half the cost from a store.

The problem is that it seems everyone is asking around 80% the value of a new tire. They seriously think their tires are made of gold! I tried reasoning with one seller after making a fair offer on a set of tires, but he wanted a premium for the fact that they were mounted (on rims I and few people can't use) and balanced, and thus was asking more than the Tirerack price for tires! Another time I went to look at reasonably priced winter tires that were used one season... 10 years ago!

Lately I've been looking for winter tires for my car. The best I could find is someone asking 60% of the price of new tires for a set that has been reportedly used one season. Sorry - no sale. My offer wasn't good enough. I'm beginning to think people don't really want to get rid of their unwanted stuff.

I've pretty much given up on finding tires on craigslist. There is no incentive for me to set up an appointment with a stranger, who probably lives far away, and is selling tires with an unknown date code and gives no guarantee. At least at a store, or Tirerack, I can shop at my convenience and get a fresh new tire that has a guarantee.
I wouldn't trust buying used tires from people on craigslist, but that's just me. It's the same when they sell cars, they want a premium price for a cheap car. I talked to a guy yesterday who wanted $2k for a 1989 vehicle with 300k miles on it and I wouldn't say it was in pristine condition by any means. No way Jose. We have a local tire store / shop in town that will match 4 tires by tread patterns or sometimes have whole sets of tires that are used or have 1/2 or more life left for $45 each and that includes balance and mounting. If one screws up right out the door they will usually replace it, if for some reason they won't, at least it's only $45. There's another shop that sells used tires for $25 and up, but they look a little sketchy haha.
Craigslist folks can ask what they want and you can't control that. I think folks have way too high of expectations on Craigslist and the type of person who sells there.
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Craigslist folks can ask what they want and you can't control that. I think folks have way too high of expectations on Craigslist and the type of person who sells there.

I didn't realize that at first, but once you start trying to actually buy stuff you realize how stubborn people are and how ignorant others can be. There are good deals sometimes and good people, but the overall population of sellers aren't worth jack.
What is the reasoning that new tires sold on Craigslist should be 50% of store price? If they are truly new I don't blame the owner for holding out for 80%. Why isn't saving 20% good enough.

My experience is it is the buyers on Craigslist who are idiots trying to offer well below reasonable prices of everything.
Yep I went through the same thing these past few weeks with trying to find snow tires and rims for the 2014 Civic. It is hilarious how much people want for the one season snows. It is equally as comical as to how much more wear there really is on their tires for sale. One season my dupa.

I will buy used tires on CL. If I can grab a couple of sub 3-4 year old tires that look to be in decent shape, half tread, tread pattern I like, and generally look to be OK... sure I'll bite for $50-60. Sometimes you just don't have all of the doll hairs and would rather rock a couple of used than bald.

Big shocker here, tires on all of y'alls cars are used right now.
I would move out of Detroit so I could afford new tires.

Tires on rims would cost more, I often see tire/rim sets in yards "FOR SALE" they sit half a year or longer.... have you had any tires mounted lately? Shops can really up the charges!!! So they are thinking they can charge more, especially if the rims are aftermarket.

I got a independent tire dealer around here, I bought four Michelin's from him, $170 per tire, this includes install and free alignment.

A farm store nearby can get the same brand for about ten bucks cheaper, but they charge a incredible $25 to mount and balance PER tire.
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Originally Posted By: Nate1979
Why isn't saving 20% good enough?

What if you find the tires aren't round after mounting?
What if you find one or more of the tires have a leak?
A lot can go wrong with tires once you put them in service, that can't be assessed when buying them. It's not like buying a bicycle or sofa.
Tires are unique that way. The lack of guarantee is a big deal.
I bought 5 used tires off Craigslist for something like $50 - $55. Two of them were almost new and I put those on my car. The other three went into the trash.
Originally Posted By: Kestas
The problem is that it seems everyone is asking around 80% the value of a new tire. They seriously think their tires are made of gold! I tried reasoning with one seller after making a fair offer on a set of tires, but he wanted a premium for the fact that they were mounted (on rims I and few people can't use) and balanced, and thus was asking more than the Tirerack price for tires!

I notice how you didn't mention what your "fair price" was for a set of wheels and tires.

I hate to break this to you, but tires that are mounted on wheels ARE worth more than just the tires by themselves. Just because you can't use those wheels doesn't mean you can't get value out of them if you were to remove the tires, and then sell the wheels separately.

I like to save money, but that sounds like a lot of trouble just to save a few bucks. I'd rather have the original seller sell the rims. With most cars now using alloy rims, the steel rims tires are mounted on aren't a big selling point.
Tire prices are up... Even used ones. Around here, used ones in serviceable shape are going for AT LEAST 40-50 dollars each. Have seen them at the local salvage yard for 100+ each used!
Another point -- some people want nearly 50% of the tire's value, saying it has 50% of the tread. I don't know about you, but I'd rather wear down the first 50% of a tire's life than the last 50%.
Speaking of date code.....I have a Primewell and the rectangular box is blank! The one on the other side clearly has four digits......could be they only stamp (or mold, etc) the date onto one side of the tire.....these are directional tires so maybe that is it.

The tread feels harder than the tire on the other side. Im not sure if it is because of age, the amount of tread left, or what?
I've sold some tires and wheels on craigslist.

I offer a fair price and usually let them negotiate me down to the nearest round amount.

Most craigslisters want gold for their trash or to just offer you 1/3 your posted price... like that's a good deal.

I sold a set of blizzak ws-70's on tirerack steel wheels for 400$ they were used for 3 winters and less than 10000miles.
They were stored in the basement sealed in thick garbage bags.
Tread was over 10/32
new was around 680 after rebate.

The subaru owner I sold them too knew what he was buying and knew it was a good deal that would bolt right up to his car.
I have noticed the same around here.
I bought some tires for my truck about 2 years ago off craigslist, I think I paid $200 for all 4. There were in decent shape, maybe 1/2 tread left. They had some VW Tourage alloy rims on them (guy said he got them at a storage place auction). Date codes on them were around 4 years old. I took them to a local tire place and told them they could have the rims if they mounted and balanced my tires, and they agreed.
Well, the tires just recently have started to crack and tread is worn down to ~4-5/32 so started looking again. I found a few sets for a decent price, but when I asked for more details (better pics, date codes etc) they either never responded or they were tires as old as what I had.
I ended up getting some new ones from Discount Tire. $600 for 4 tires mounted/balanced and road hazard warranty with free balance and rotations, plus a 60,000 mile treadwear warranty.
When my wife needs new tires on her car, I will just wait for a Discount tire sale again. I could have gotten her 4 really good tires for $300 out the door with the $100 off promo and $70 rebate they just had on e-bay, and they do that a few time a year.
Hello, The original title, "Rant on..." hits the nail on the head.

Assess the worth of a 300 mile drive to examine a bargain.

EXAMPLE: A guy offered tires my size in "GREAT SHAPE". I went and saw two things.
Bald tires and a freaky liar who smiled. I was on my way to visit a hospitalized friend so i left.

BELIEVE ME I wanted to tear his lying esophagus out and slap him with it repeatedly.

That SINGLE bad CRAIGSLIST experience makes for an excellent average, I'm told.
Remember where you are and who you MIGHT be dealing with.

Don't over-think the "used stuff" market. Kira
I usually look on Craigslist but I agree, no good deals. When I sell used tires on Craigslist, I just list for $15 a tire and call it a day.

There's a local shop here that sells nice used tires for $35 each with free mounting and balancing. $40 if it's almost new.

I'll be going there soon for tires for my trailer.
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