Pre-OBDII musings

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I used some JB Weld and some flashing on the hatch. It's been curing all night, and in a couple hours I'll get a chance to see how well it's taken. I figured I had nothing to lose at this point, and it'd be nice to milk a couple more years out of it. If its sticking ok I'll see about doing some more. I did see a door on CL for $50, but looking at the manual it looks like a pain to pull. Ebay has fenders for $100 apiece, that is starting to look tempting.

Should add, the only time the car has been under a roof is for a couple of overnight stays at a garage. I think it's held up well, for 9 NH winters, a minimum of washes, and some known problem areas.

I did get in contact with someone who has VCDS, and will likely troubleshoot the engine in a couple of weeks.
Originally Posted By: armos

But as far as OBD1 vs OBD2:
Some are worse than others, but many OBD2 cars don't age well. The "check engine" codes are picky and can become a tiresome nag, and at least out here you automatically fail emissions testing if that light is on, regardless of the tailpipe results. I find them more frustrating to diagnose and parts are more numerous and expensive.
I find OBD1 more pleasant to live with. They're also easier to get through emissions, at least in my circumstances. If they're completely exempt where you are, then so much the better. If I was buying a car that would be a huge criteria for me, as long as rust isn't bad and the car appears well kept.
Due to age, you should expect such a car to need more attention, at least when first purchased. Not necessarily more money but more attention. Over time you should be able to resolve any unexpected issues and make it reliable, if it isn't already.

I agree with the above statement.
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