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Hate to break it to you but #2 and #3 in the top 100 IPA Imperial are from Russian River Pliny
Younger and Elder

The remarkable thing about Russian River Brewing isn't just that they have one really good beer, but that they are just so good at different types of beers. Their sours are extremely good too. On the Beer Advocate website, they have so many that are rated world class.

The remarkable thing about Russian River Brewing isn't just that they have one really good beer, but that they are just so good at different types of beers. Their sours are extremely good too. On the Beer Advocate website, they have so many that are rated world class.

Many Breweries brew alot of world class beers let's not get overboard about one brewery that might even be a bit hyped up.

Many Breweries brew alot of world class beers let's not get overboard about one brewery that might even be a bit hyped up.

I get that nothing can really live up to the hype, but I’ve been there with one of these and marveled at how good everything was.


Not sure if it worth waiting in line for 90 minutes just to get in the door (3 hours for Pliny the Younger) but it was certainly crowded. I also don’t get why anyone would follow their drivers around, but that certainly happened.
Hate to break it to you but #2 and #3 in the top 100 IPA Imperial are from Russian River Pliny
Younger and Elder
I don’t doubt it’s great; I’ve tried them. I have had some that are just as great or in top 100 that are from little known breweries around my brothers area and or my area. To each their own; no need to shove it down my throat.
I get that nothing can really live up to the hype, but I’ve been there with one of these and marveled at how good everything was.


Not sure if it worth waiting in line for 90 minutes just to get in the door (3 hours for Pliny the Younger) but it was certainly crowded. I also don’t get why anyone would follow their drivers around, but that certainly happened.
Happens alot in the craft beer world nothing new people stood outside for hrs in 10F temperature for a Black Friday limited beer release happens all the time in all parts of the country. Im really curious why you think Russian River is exclusive to this it’s flat out not.
A friend brought some beers over the other day.

This was the first one:

At 12%, this was way stronger than I'm used to in a beer. Plus, even though I do love coffee, I just didn't care for that espresso flavor in my beer.

The second one was this:

It was very easy to drink and refreshing. When I looked it up later, I was stunned to learn it has 10% ABV. I honestly thought it was half that. Nice beer.
I don’t doubt it’s great; I’ve tried them. I have had some that are just as great or in top 100 that are from little known breweries around my brothers area and or my area. To each their own; no need to shove it down my throat.
You see I agree and now so many artisan breweries out their I think many kill the big boys they don’t get recognized because it never leaves the brewery and many use the absolute highest quality ingredients at a premium price to brew.
A friend brought some beers over the other day.

This was the first one:

At 12%, this was way stronger than I'm used to in a beer. Plus, even though I do love coffee, I just didn't care for that espresso flavor in my beer.

The second one was this:

It was very easy to drink and refreshing. When I looked it up later, I was stunned to learn it has 10% ABV. I honestly thought it was half that. Nice beer.
Back in the day 2003 first release and years to follow that was the Shi$$ it was the get of gets and I’d go county to county to get it. 2021 its a yearly on the shelf beer I’d pass for many local offerings that blow it away.
Happens alot in the craft beer world nothing new people stood outside for hrs in 10F temperature for a Black Friday limited beer release happens all the time in all parts of the country. Im really curious why you think Russian River is exclusive to this it’s flat out not.

I had the beer before my first visit to the brewpub. But the first time I went there I literally waited 90 minutes in line in January with no special release. The only special release they have is Pliny the Elder, and I waited 3 hours for that, although I've heard of those waiting overnight on the first day.