Person arrested in WM 'prank'......

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Originally Posted By: Panzerman
This story actually made it in the paper down in Florida and this happened in New Jersey. I think the whole thing is absolutely insane. Not being racial here, but the blacks really need to just stop this whining. If a black teen went into a Walmart in New York and made the comment that "All white people leave the store now" do you think it would even make the headlines- anywhere? Do you think any charges would even be filed? It was a prank, he didnt use any racial slurs, cursing etc and I think as ussual they are a bunch of whining babies crying insult over the pettiest things. I cant even imagine how they will try to convict this kid over anything. No doubt they will call it a hate crime and protest and pursue it like it was a crusade. Just insane, the whole thing. It was harmless prank, no one got hurt, no insults, no racial slurs, it was a joke and they need to just stop being so ultra sensitive to anything.

^^Right on!
Originally Posted By: Shannow

I still think he deserves a thrashing.

There was a time when the manager could have cuffed him around a little and that would have been it.
Originally Posted By: Panzerman
Not being racial here, but the blacks really need to just stop this whining.

Who said it was just black people complaining.

Whole lot of generalizing goin on here, what I would expect out of a Floridian.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Originally Posted By: addyguy
What this person did was mean, juvenille, and in extremely poor taste - but it was not a crime. There are NO laws against being an idiot and making a fool of yourself.

You are absolutely wrong. New Jersey has a "Bias Intimidation" statute under which the offender was charged. What he did was an arrestable offense in New Jersey.

Bias Intimidation

Didn't know that, thanks.

I WON'T get started on what I think of that type of PC law. But, if there is a law that states what he did is a crime, then I arresting him makes sense.
Originally Posted By: JT1

Whole lot of generalizing goin on here, what I would expect out of a Floridian.

Originally Posted By: JT1

Whole lot of generalizing goin on here, what I would expect out of a Floridian.

This is not generalizing?
The way I see it is that yes the child being 16 is just that, a child. But you are striking a cord with a certain racial group regardless of a prank or not. This reflects not only on the child, but the store and its employees as well. The store for allowing an incident to occur, the customers may or may not know it was a child, nor do they care it was a joke because it was still an insult aimed at them.

This could turn very ugly towards the store. The child's parents could turn it around and file suit as well on top of customers if they care to proceed in that way.
I dont consider myself a Floridian. I spent 35 years in Pennsylvania and 6 in Florida, so I would say I am what they consider a Yankee down here, which I am not offended to be called or a white which I am not offended to be called. That said if Iam ever in a Walmart and It comes across the speaker that all white yankees now leave the store, it wont cause me any trauma. My point was that it this would not have even been mentioned in a black section of New York or anywhere if the exact opposite happened. He didnt call any racial slurs and therefore I dont consider it some henious crime, more of a prank. No one was injured or could have been.They media and black leaders "always: blow this way out of proportion and it seems everyone is more than happy to comply to keep the peace. that is my point.
Originally Posted By: Panzerman
I dont consider myself a Floridian. I spent 35 years in Pennsylvania and 6 in Florida, so I would say I am what they consider a Yankee down here, which I am not offended to be called or a white which I am not offended to be called. That said if Iam ever in a Walmart and It comes across the speaker that all white yankees now leave the store, it wont cause me any trauma. My point was that it this would not have even been mentioned in a black section of New York or anywhere if the exact opposite happened. He didnt call any racial slurs and therefore I dont consider it some henious crime, more of a prank. No one was injured or could have been.They media and black leaders "always: blow this way out of proportion and it seems everyone is more than happy to comply to keep the peace. that is my point.

If you are visiting Japan and in their store calls for all the white people to leave right now. Would you be offended?

The reason you are not offended if this happens in Florida is because you are a majority, and therefore this must be a joke or a prank on the speaker's side. If you are a minority, the whole situation turns around. Psychologically speaking.
Not to mention the historical differences of oppression. As a white guy, no name offends me. Never has, doubt it ever will. However, I don't think I have the right to tell others how they should feel.

Originally Posted By: Panzerman
No one was injured or could have been.They media and black leaders "always: blow this way out of proportion and it seems everyone is more than happy to comply to keep the peace. that is my point.

It's a matter of respect for others. I am not offended if I'm called a number of names, but out of respect for others I'd never tolerate someone doing what the kid did, nor would I blame someone for being upset.

If a juvenile is allowed to get away with what he did, what's next on his bucket list? Where do we, as a society, draw the line?

As I pointed out in a previous post in this thread, what he did was not only rude and stupid, but in New Jersey it is indeed a crime. Do you advocate allowing juveniles to break the law without consequences? Should we not all be held same standards our legal system requires? Do we each get to pick and choose which laws we allow kids to break and which we will adhere to based on how we feel about it?
The punishment and example this foolish kid will suffer will be the result of pandering to a particular group. That's all it comes down to. Words are just words. This isn't a crime. Perhaps trespass in regard to walmart property? Maybe. But we all know that the real reason for such an overblown reaction to this is.
Sorry, that wasn't a harmless prank. Perhaps people shouldn't be so sensitive, but that kid was either totally clueless or deliberately intended to offend people. Some people make offending others an art form. He went too far and likely deserves whatever he gets and more.

Kind of reminds me how smoking was regarded when I worked at Rinshed Mason's headquarters 40 years ago. Smoking in general was much more acceptable then, but not in the paint labs and factories. Get caught smoking in the wrong place, and you could be looking for a new job.

I am no big fan of hate crime laws. I am happy our constitution protects us from some of the nonsense elsewhere where a preacher can be arrested for preaching the Bible.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear
Originally Posted By: Panzerman
I dont consider myself a Floridian. I spent 35 years in Pennsylvania and 6 in Florida, so I would say I am what they consider a Yankee down here, which I am not offended to be called or a white which I am not offended to be called. That said if Iam ever in a Walmart and It comes across the speaker that all white yankees now leave the store, it wont cause me any trauma. My point was that it this would not have even been mentioned in a black section of New York or anywhere if the exact opposite happened. He didnt call any racial slurs and therefore I dont consider it some henious crime, more of a prank. No one was injured or could have been.They media and black leaders "always: blow this way out of proportion and it seems everyone is more than happy to comply to keep the peace. that is my point.

If you are visiting Japan and in their store calls for all the white people to leave right now. Would you be offended?

The reason you are not offended if this happens in Florida is because you are a majority, and therefore this must be a joke or a prank on the speaker's side. If you are a minority, the whole situation turns around. Psychologically speaking.
Thats just it, Iam in Florida and I am not in the Majority. No name calling should be punishable by jail time. I dont care what the laws are in New Jersey. They also have alot of Gun laws, I wouldnt respect to, so therefore I dont go to New Jersey. I am not carrying a gun and ammo separate or disassembled. Kind of defeats the purpose, so thats about what I think of new Jersey law. Dont carry a ice cream cone in your pocket law.
If you're white and you live in Florida, you are certainly in the majority.

Maybe not in your particular city, but for the whole state, non-hispanic white people are the majority. It seems you don't classify Hispanic-speaking whites as white, so if you live in Miami, and go by that, then you're right...but you can, in fact, speak Spanish and be "white".
Originally Posted By: MarkC
If you're white and you live in Florida, you are certainly in the majority.

What's the point you're making?

It's pretty easy to bring up the Census quickfacts by doing a Google search. Seems white people are in the majority most everywhere in this country.

I believe the reference was that he is not a Floridian by birth, but by location (ie: Yankee).
Originally Posted By: andrewg
The punishment and example this foolish kid will suffer will be the result of pandering to a particular group. That's all it comes down to. Words are just words. This isn't a crime. Perhaps trespass in regard to walmart property? Maybe. But we all know that the real reason for such an overblown reaction to this is.

You are utterly wrong. In New Jersey what the kid did was a crime. Look up the bias intimidation statute.
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