Person arrested in WM 'prank'......

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Originally Posted By: Barkleymut
"It would have been funnier and fat chicks don't have a Jessie Jackson type figure."

I think you forgot about Rosie O'Donnell

And Kirstie Ally!

Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL

That's a bit over-the-top. It isn't like he hopped into the middle of the isle dressed in a white robe with a white "special hat" on with the intercom in his hand, yelling for *insert racially offensive word here* to leave the store.

What he did was in very poor taste and incredibly juvenile. But it is no different than yelling for all fat people to leave the store. We as a society, are FAR too racially sensitive.

The article clearly stated that there were several people upset and contacting the management about the situation. I think it very reasonable to consider this at least disorderly conduct.
It's a really interesting one.

While I feel that he deserved to be thrashed, what was his crime ?

Trespass is probably the correct one unless walmart leave mikes around the place accessible to everyone, and he had to get behind a counter to do it.

If he asked to use a mike and was granted it, as I've seen many times at pubs, clubs, and other establishment, then all bets are off legally.

Is graffitti freedom of speech, when it damages/defaces someone else' property ?

Not by any stretch.

It's almost akin to a verbal graffitti, and I'd hate to see a test case come up on such an issue, as it would be disastrous.

I still think he deserves a thrashing.
There's always an interesting tidbit in these articles, from the article:

"Although a manager quickly went on the intercom system and apologized for the remark, many customers expressed their anger to store management. Some community members said Saturday that they've heard reports of similar incidents happening at the store in recent months that were not reported to police." (my emphasis)

There's always more to the story, perhaps the kid did get his warning and didn't listen...
Originally Posted By: Rick in PA
There's always an interesting tidbit in these articles, from the article:
Some community members said Saturday that they've heard reports of similar incidents happening at the store in recent months that were not reported to police.

This kind of statement is just like 20 people jumping on a city bus and claiming injuries after it has been in an accident
Originally Posted By: LAGA
Originally Posted By: Rick in PA
There's always an interesting tidbit in these articles, from the article:
Some community members said Saturday that they've heard reports of similar incidents happening at the store in recent months that were not reported to police.

This kind of statement is just like 20 people jumping on a city bus and claiming injuries after it has been in an accident

your not saying these folks are trying to find a way to sue walmart, eh?
the fat people comment would be different. It's an offensive comment, everyone pretty much agrees that being fat is not attractive and not healthy (except for the woman who wants to be 1000 lbs) You can do something about being fat, you can't do anything about your skin color
Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
the fat people comment would be different. It's an offensive comment, everyone pretty much agrees that being fat is not attractive and not healthy (except for the woman who wants to be 1000 lbs) You can do something about being fat, you can't do anything about your skin color

Not according to some people

Being offensive is just that. I don't think this was any more "offensive" in the great scheme of things than a fat person comment.
Probably hate crime is the highest it is going to aim for but usually the judge, DA will lower the charge down if he has no criminal record or similar incidents in the past.

That "hate crime" thing is to make a statement to the world that this is not tolerated and it is not a prank, just like calling to all customers that there is a robbery in the store and people need to lay face down.
Originally Posted By: addyguy

Personally, I think arresting someone in this incident is going too far.

What this person did was mean, juvenille, and in extremely poor taste - but it was not a crime. There are NO laws against being an idiot and making a fool of yourself.

This person didn't threaten another person or even make a personal insult against someone - they made a stupid satement that IS covered by freedom of speech, no matter how distasteful that is.

Anyone agree? I don't reallty expect anyone to....
This story actually made it in the paper down in Florida and this happened in New Jersey. I think the whole thing is absolutely insane. Not being racial here, but the blacks really need to just stop this whining. If a black teen went into a Walmart in New York and made the comment that "All white people leave the store now" do you think it would even make the headlines- anywhere? Do you think any charges would even be filed? It was a prank, he didnt use any racial slurs, cursing etc and I think as ussual they are a bunch of whining babies crying insult over the pettiest things. I cant even imagine how they will try to convict this kid over anything. No doubt they will call it a hate crime and protest and pursue it like it was a crusade. Just insane, the whole thing. It was harmless prank, no one got hurt, no insults, no racial slurs, it was a joke and they need to just stop being so ultra sensitive to anything.
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Originally Posted By: addyguy
What this person did was mean, juvenille, and in extremely poor taste - but it was not a crime. There are NO laws against being an idiot and making a fool of yourself.

You are absolutely wrong. New Jersey has a "Bias Intimidation" statute under which the offender was charged. What he did was an arrestable offense in New Jersey.

Bias Intimidation
What he did harmed an innocent party and offended many people. There are limits to what is a tolerable prank. Maybe a community service sentence would be a good idea.
Originally Posted By: Vilan
Maybe 100 hours serving as a Walmart greeter in a black neighborhood?

What do you think would happen to him?
Sounds like a death sentence if you ask me.
at work we now have to dial an extension to use the intercom,before this you just had to hit the page button. thanks to this site i was able to inform my co-workers why there was the change,they laughed.
Originally Posted By: Panzerman
This story actually made it in the paper down in Florida and this happened in New Jersey. I think the whole thing is absolutely insane. Not being racial here, but the blacks really need to just stop this whining. If a black teen went into a Walmart in New York and made the comment that "All white people leave the store now" do you think it would even make the headlines- anywhere? Do you think any charges would even be filed? It was a prank, he didnt use any racial slurs, cursing etc and I think as ussual they are a bunch of whining babies crying insult over the pettiest things. I cant even imagine how they will try to convict this kid over anything. No doubt they will call it a hate crime and protest and pursue it like it was a crusade. Just insane, the whole thing. It was harmless prank, no one got hurt, no insults, no racial slurs, it was a joke and they need to just stop being so ultra sensitive to anything.

Any kids that do this kind of thing deserve to be punished, the fact that someone call this a prank and his action petty, blaming the insulted for being cry babies, shows how the standard of parenting and discipline have deteriorated in this country.
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