Ford always states in their owners manual to never overfill the oil and correct any overfill.Okay I travel travel with my job and today I got service out of town at Ford dealership I've never been to.
Mad as a hornet!
First thing is first. My vehicle specs 5W-20 oil as an alternative I can use 0W-20 oil. I requested to the dealership that I wanted 0W-20 full synthetic. No problem. They didn't have it in bulk so they charged me for 5 individual quarts.
The mechanic put all five quarts in the vehicle It's a small EcoBoost engine in only holds 4.3 quarts 4.5 with filter change. I'm only saying I assume we put all five quarts in because it is significantly over the full mark.
This is a 3cyl ecoboost? probably not a lot of wiggle room there vs a truck pan. But, remember vehicle engines are designed to go up and down steep hills which sloshes the oil rearward or forward - or side to side in transverse drivetrains. 1/4 over you are good. 1/2 over I would just keep a nose out for oil smells, or sluggish operation. If none of that you are likely fine.