OPE in California

Jan 31, 2006

"Today, operating the best-selling gas-powered commercial leaf blower for one hour emits air pollutants comparable to driving a 2017 Toyota Camry from Los Angeles to Denver. Smog-forming emissions from small engines will surpass those from passenger vehicles this year. We must look beyond transportation if we are to achieve the emissions reductions needed to fight climate change and improve air quality and health in our communities."—Assemblymember Marc Berman

SORE are engines that produce 25hp or less, but emit high levels of air pollutants, including oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reactive organic gases (ROG), and particulate matter (PM). By 2031, NOx and ROG emissions from SORE are projected to be twice those from passenger cars.

AB 1346 directs CARB to develop cost-effective and technologically feasible regulations to phase out the sale of new gas-powered SORE by 2024 or whenever the board determines is feasible. The bill also requires CARB to make funding available for commercial rebates to support the transition to zero-emission SORE.

Vehicles are clean, time to work on the next set of items.
A rake and broom stir up less dust than stupid blowers and emit zero carbon emissions! Push mowers are also a good workout. Battery options available for large lawns (cue midwesterners saying how they could never live without their riding mowers - fine, you don't live in CA, we get it).

Oh, and in-before-the-lock.
This is why they want to make zero emission gas cans. I do not know how they will accomplish that, on an engine they store vapor in charcoal that gets fresh air purged while the engine runs. No engine, no purge. Vapor emission on a car are so small, I have heard that spilling a few drops out of the nozzle when filling exceeds the vapor emission for a entire year. Compare this to my lawnmower. Liquid vibrating out of the vent holes. Engine heating the tank. I notice new lawnmowers the vent from the tank goes to the air cleaner. I think mandating vapor recovery nozzles on gas stations would be a good start.
It's hardly surprising. "Everyone" has a gas mower, and many have 2 stroke OPE, and one can tell when the neighbors are going to town doing yardwork. If you can smell it... it can't be good for the enviroment.
Ah yes, I can’t wait to purchase all new “zero emission” battery powered equipment. Yep, no emissions went into the production of those battery powered tools. I can feel good about my self now. Thanks California!
I've been in LA and smog is real. I remember seeing smog when I was on the Ghost Rider at Knots Berry Farm.
Some of us tend to hate California for various things, right or wrong. I'm guilty of it. But California has a legit argument concerning emissions.
I'm surprised they haven't gone after motorcyclists using the HOV lane, since motorcycles are not required to have catalytic converters.

Now, I under if the state legislatures mow their own lawn or paid people to maintain their lawns. When they can't buy new gas powered mowers, weed wackers & leaf blowers, I wonder how much they are going to charge them for increased costs of batteries and charging them? Likewise, it's going to cost the local government more money because the landscapers that maintain the lawns will transfer the cost to the local and state government, thus eventually hit the taxpayer more.

Not to mention, with less gas tax revenue.... they'll have to raise the gas tax some more.