Oils that becomes strange colors

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Nov 9, 2011
Just an observation I've made recently. Two Chryslers, a Dodge Neon and a Grand Caravan that I have started doing service on are both varnished as seen through the oil fill hole. The Neon has always had Jiffy Lube 3k changes (PYB I assume), and the Grand Caravan had Walmart 3k changes (PYB or Supertech?). I put both on Penz Ultra and it has cleaned stuff that I can see rather nicely. The Caravan likes to throw a deep brown color in the used oil, while the Neon throws a weird orange, almost rust, type of color. Both vehicles have around 75k miles on them.

So my two part question is 1. Why is there varnish with the past short OCI? and 2. Why the difference in color? The rust color in the Neon really concerns me, but I worry too much too. I realize color is no indication of oil condition, so I'm not worried about the oil itself.
I put both on Penz Ultra and it has cleaned stuff that I can see rather nicely. The Caravan likes to throw a deep brown color in the used oil, while the Neon throws a weird orange, almost rust, type of color

It sounds like PU cleaned varnish with some deposits away. Keep using it. I am really impressed with this oil after seeing similar things on other cars.
Originally Posted By: Miller88
The FF on my Focus was yellow.

Isn't that done intentionally so the dealership knows?
Varnish isn't a problem, and it'll happen through use no matter what the OCI. Only if there's sludge with short OCIs should you worry.

As for weird colors, I have no clue! Every time I've changed the oil, it's just looked black...
Varnish isn't a problem,

Why isnt it a problem? Care to elaborate?
it'll happen through use no matter what the OCI

Will it?
That's my concern is that I've never seen anything other than brown/black oil in my life. Oils that are orange are new to me. The Neon started a valve train tick that has gone away with the Ultra, but the color threw me. The PYB causing the varnish in the first place made me lose a little faith in it.
Years ago Castrol put an orange tint to the dipstick and valvetrain on my cars engines. Never was a problem ...just an odd color.
I just started using PYB in our Acura, and the visible metal through the oil fill hole has appeared to turn a clearer (cleaner?) color than before. So far I have seen a visible difference with it, for the better. Will the metal return to a darker color as the oil has some age on it? We'll see I guess.
So no reason to worry about the orange color? I know many on here use SOPUS oils. It just looks like someone added the Dexcool type of orange color to the oil.
Interesting that you mention this.

A while back someone else posted that the oil in their Honda turned a dark reddish brown color.

I figured that perhaps the newer SN formulation is cleaning more varnish deposits which might account for the color.
just drained the ff, thinks its the new mazda 0w/20, appeared to have a green tint to it, never seen oil look like this before, has anyone else used this oil and noticed the unusual color?
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