So i am in quite a bind here. I have a flaw where I research things to the point where it makes it difficult to conclude on the actual product to purchase (in this case Oil) m. I have a brand new Lexus which I plan to do all my own maintenence on (at increased intervals that Lexus recommended of every 10k miles). I have my choices down to Mobil 1, Pennzoil, or GTMO. I understand Exxon makes GtMO but also that its different than their Mobil 1 brand. I can get 6 qts of GTMO for around $40 locally vs market pricing on M1 and Pennzoil. What do you all recommend? I know GTMO has more moly which maybe explains the 10k oil change intervals however I just need someone to knock me straight. I plan to change after the first 1000 miles and then at every 5000 mile interval thereafter.