Not sure I should post this, but is MIL passed away........

Always tough to deal with. No matter if it is quick or drawn out it always takes a part out of loved ones left behind. Sorry for your loss. Best you can do is spend quality time now more than ever with the wife. It is tough. We just buried one of my nephews at only 26 years old due to cancer. Prayers and love to you and the wife.
Sorry for the loss of your MIL, Pablo.

My MIL, despite all the MIL jokes in the world, is a great woman and we'll feel a significant loss when she passes some day.
Let me tell you a little story.

I met my wife when we were about 25. Normal dating,

When her parents got word of it after 3-4 dates, I had to meet them - first time - ALONE. Drive to their house. And sit in their living room! ALONE. No buffer...........

I knew pretty fast It was not her dad I had to worry about! He was a great vet of WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Sharp but super nice. Lucy? (USA assumed name) Her dad called his wife "Dragon Woman"! Anyway, it's kind of blur 41+ years ago, but I was grilled from birth details, family lineage, schools, job, future - wow. Worse than job interview - I had to be honest!! :ROFLMAO:

I guess I passed. But it was kinda hard to have a normal conversation until later, maybe after we got engaged and they met my humble parents. Wow........I hadn't thought about some of this stuff in awhile.
Let me tell you a little story.

I met my wife when we were about 25. Normal dating,

When her parents got word of it after 3-4 dates, I had to meet them - first time - ALONE. Drive to their house. And sit in their living room! ALONE. No buffer...........

I knew pretty fast It was not her dad I had to worry about! He was a great vet of WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Sharp but super nice. Lucy? (USA assumed name) Her dad called his wife "Dragon Woman"! Anyway, it's kind of blur 41+ years ago, but I was grilled from birth details, family lineage, schools, job, future - wow. Worse than job interview - I had to be honest!! :ROFLMAO:

I guess I passed. But it was kinda hard to have a normal conversation until later, maybe after we got engaged and they met my humble parents. Wow........I hadn't thought about some of this stuff in awhile.
This board needs a "Care" emoji.....