Not sure I should post this, but is MIL passed away........

There is medication now that has shown consistent results with significantly slowing the progression of Alzheimers but unfortunately you have to remember to take it.
No worries at all.

Before the "obvious" decline, we did notice her judgement was not even close to what it was before. She bought a house in New Mexico and time share in Las Vegas without telling anyone. Not like her. The house was sold, the time share - those things. What a waste.

We too had incidents similar to those. Saying her longtime companion was "cheating" on her with a teenage woman. The numerous new credit accounts and things she would order but never use. The worst which we assumed was going to consume her & her house was forgetting she had a lit cigarette. She would drop them on her carpet and they would smolder. It is just dumb luck she didn't burn her house to the ground. If it wasn't that it was not taking care of herself being diabetic.

I am very glad none of the worst case scenarios happened.
I was the around-the-clock caregiver for my parents, for the last several years of their lives. Both passed about a month apart, last summer. Mom, had Dementia/Alzheimers. Dad, stage 4 cancer. As horrible as the cancer was, at least he knew who he was, right up until going into Hospice in the hospital, two days before he passed. He came around for a brief moment right before passing.

Mom's condition was just cruel. Scared, anxious, not knowing what was happening from moment to moment. Fortunately she knew who dad was, and who I was most of the time.

I found out that being a caregiver is something lots of people will not do. My two older sisters who both live less than 20 miles away, couldn't be bothered. One is a Social Worker...

Your wife will never regret the time spent in her Mom's time of need.

My sincerest condolences to you and your wife.
My condolences. Keep the good memories in the reveries of your mind and your wife's. Death is difficult to face, as thou we don't spend our lives searching for some semblance of meaning beneath death's shadow. Yet, it is the certainty of death against which we all live defiantly. It can bring you both fear and hope, that it is not simply some existential threshold. As long as a memory remains, she's never truly gone.
You & the wife were able to get out of that Timeshare? I heard the timeshare keeps going generation to generation and the darn thing doesn't ever seem to end.

I hear radio advertisements for Wesley Financial Group all the time on News Radio. Chuck McDowell leads the Group and if you need help, give them a call.

Sorry to hear about the MIL. Hope you and the wife heal quickly. Prayer said.
You & the wife were able to get out of that Timeshare? I heard the timeshare keeps going generation to generation and the darn thing doesn't ever seem to end.

I hear radio advertisements for Wesley Financial Group all the time on News Radio. Chuck McDowell leads the Group and if you need help, give them a call.

Sorry to hear about the MIL. Hope you and the wife heal quickly. Prayer said.
This was some years ago, but yes we got out. Didn't cost us anything. Near 100% waste of money on her part.
Sorry for your loss Pablo. She sounded like a wonderful person.
Lost my Dad 2 years ago, and my FIL many years ago. I still miss them each at times.
Sorry for your wife’s (and your family’s) loss. Even when it’s expected, it’s still devastating. My wife and I lost both our mothers and her father within 2 years. You can be in your 60s and still feel like an orphan when it happens.

All of you that still have parents- give them a call and tell them you love them.