Originally Posted By: 440Magnum
Originally Posted By: Trav
This is a common N* complaint.I had the same issue on my 99 as well as a quite a few others.Nothing being sucked/sprayed down,added to the oil etc will cure it.
Remove all the plugs when its warm,pour 1/4 of a bottle/can (non aerosol) of GM top engine cleaner down each plug hole.
Replace the plugs and leave it overnight or min 12 hrs.
Start the motor (it will probably run terrible)
You forgot this step right before start the motor:
-Pray that enough of the stuff drained past the rings so that you don't hydro-lock it, push a head off, and rip the fragile Northstar head bolt threads right out of the block
I would rotate the engine 2 full turns by hand before risking starting it up if it were mine. If its too hard to reach the crank pulley to turn it with a wrench, wait till the 12 hour soak is over before re-installing the plugs and spin it with the starter with the plugs out to clear all 8 holes before you start it. Northstars are fragile enough as it is, I wouldn't play with fire.
I can see that being a concern but with only 3 fluid oz in each cyl for a min of 12 hrs it hasn't been an issue,it seems to get past the rings quickly.Better safe than sorry i guess.
It does make a mess of the oil though.